

love never fails to teach us.
Nightingale stopped his sweet singing. Probably because the long quest of finding his partner came to an end.
Alas! None of this even bothered Aurora.
It was hot outside. But somehow the coldness in her heart grew every second. She wrapped herself with her furry pearl colored blanket to let go of those dreadful feelings. But sometimes the brain let's the heart do the thinking. That's when things tend to get crazy and more difficult.

When things are going downhill, they probably decide to do it together. Then they gift us with serious consequences.

She let the first tear drop. The pearly blanket absorbing all her distress, hugging her as if he had taken the responsibility of her nonexistent boyfriend.

Why does life suddenly declare simple is overrated?

There were zillions of problems. Like everyone else had. But some needed immediate attention. By now another tear and another kept falling.

She looked at her phone. Then the closed dark room. The latest news flashed "Sushant was depressed "...
Her long written texts gave no reply. Neither the magical friends came to heal her.

Her therapists, lessons of importance of life. Struggles passed her mind. None actually even tried to help. Dragging her feet she sat on her thinking spot. Her cheeks wet with salty tears trying to teach her lessons of life.
Then she began what might have been the best thing to do at that time. Until you read that. And everything was either going to destroy itself or rebuild the ruins.