

This is the story from ADAM'S PERSPECTIVE that's so BLASPHEMOUS the church declared it a heresy, and it's banned from the bible.

This secret banned book, called {{THE APOCALYPSE OF ADAM}}, is written from Adam's perspective as he tells his son about the creation of humanity and the coming flood. But Adam reveals that everything You read in the bible is wrong.

You see, the books in the bible are to say written by those who fallow and worship God, So of course they are going. That God is great, but Adam and Eve THEY REBELLED AGAINST GOD

{{THE APOCALYPSE OF ADAM}} is the banned book from the point of view of the rebels that the church doesn't want you to know. Why? Because Adam reveals THAT GOD IS ACTUALLY THE DEVIL AND CREATED HUMANITY TO BE HIS SLAVES.

But there's a hidden way for humanity to escape.

So, is God actually the Devil?
Did he create humanity to be his slaves?
and earth our prison?
And if that's so, is there away for us to escape?

Well, let's see what Adam has to say.

According to the {{APOCALYPSE OF ADAM}} He and Eve were DIVINE POWERFUL BEINGS more powerful than God.

《 ADAM SAID: “And we resembled the great eternal angels, for We were higher than the god who had created us. And the powers within him…" — The Apocalypse of Adam

To understand this, you have to know that the church banned many books and these banned books partially formed what's known as GNOSTICISM and those who fallowed these Secret teachings were a group of hieratical Christians rebels known as Gnostic.

GNOSTIC; comes from the Greek word for knowledge. So Gnostic's are those who know, and they claim to know SECRET KNOWLEDGE.

Another banned Gnostic book called {{THE SECRET BOOK OF JOHN}} tells us what Adam is talking about.

In this SECRET GOSPELS it's revealed, The god of the bible is an evil satanic being, a false god,
THE TRUE GOD is an ETERNAL DIVINE MIND of PURE THOUGHT and this divine mind begins to structure its self; it expresses Itself through the DIVINE HUMAN this means
that HUMANITY IS DIVINE, an expression a form of the TRUE GOD a BEING of PURE THOUGHT.

Being a form and expression of the TRUE GOD, humanity is actually higher than the god of the bible, Which is a fractured malformed being.

The God of the bible, who is Lord of the
MATERIAL WORLD rather than the divine mind, became enraged at the fact that humans were higher than him, and trapped the perfect divine human into the prison of material bodies and threw it into the material world to limit its power and to make it into its slave.

The Gnostic's this is known as TWO TOMBS,
In addition to trapping the divine human in a material body and the world of matter to further limit its power, HE SPLIT THE HUMAN IN TWO into Adam and Eve.

《 ADAM SAID: Then God, the ruler of the icons and the powers, divided us in wrath… and we served him in fear and slavery. And after this thing we became darkened in our hearts.” the Apocalypse of Adam.》

God places Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden to be his slaves. But the Garden of Eden is nothing like how it's described in the bible, IT'S A PRISON, referring to the garden created by the Dark God and his demonic helpers.

“Their food is bitter,
Their beauty is corrupt.
Their food is deceit
Their trees are ungodliness.
Their fruit is poison.
Their promise is death.”》

Now in the bible god places 2 important trees in the garden of Eden, THE TREE OF LIFE and THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE.

Adam and Eve are allowed to eat from any free, except for the tree of Knowledge.

Have you ever found that a bit STRANGE that KNOWLEDGE SHOULD BE FORBIDDEN?

According to the Gnostics it's because God who they view as EVIL and SATANIC didn't want them to realize they were DIVINE, he already entombed them in a body, in a prison, then imprisoned them In the garden, wiped their memory and split them in 2 to keep them from REALIZING THEIR POWER and DIVINITY.

There are 2 important trees, The tree of Life, and the tree of Knowledge.
The Tree of Knowledge is forbidden, the Tree of Life is not.
According to Gnostic's, the tree of Life is there TO FURTHER TRAP HUMANITY by MAKING THEM PRIMAL and ANIMALISTIC.

The tree of Life injects them with the artificial spirit or false light. Now this is the froidianid the yungi and SHADOW or the REPTILIAN, brain it's instinct, desire and the 3 “F” FOOD FUCKING and FIGHTING, it's the primal animalistic aspect.

Here's a brilliant poetic description Which I love of the so-called tree of Life. From the Secret Gospel of John.

《 Its root is BITTER
Its branches are DEAD
Its shadow is HATRED
Its leaves are DECEPTION
The nectar of WICKEDNESS is in its blossoms
Its fruit is DEATH
Its Seed is DESIRE
It flowers in the DARKNESS

Those who eat from it are denizens of Hades, Darkness is their resting place.》

So in contrast to this tree, the other tree, the forbidden tree, the tree that God said that they must never eat from, or they would die, was the tree of knowledge of good and evil and it REPRESENTS HIGHER THINKING, PURPOSEFUL THOUGHT, INTUITION, INSIGHT, CONCEPSOLIZASION,
it's what the GNOSTIC'S CALL EPINOYA and It has to do with the MIND and this is related to the NEO-CORTEX.

So if the tree of Life is ASSOCIATED with ANIMALISTIC PRIMAL INSTINCTUAL URGES, the forbidden tree of knowledge is ASSOCIATED WITH MIND and THOUGHT these tree couldn't be more different.

What God is trying to do is make humanity more animalistic and deny them the capacity of thoughts and attain knowledge because he wants them to be his slaves, and he knows that if they acquire knowledge and purposeful thinking, they'll be able to become self-aware of their divinity and become more powerful than him.

And do you remember in the Bible what the serpent said to Eve When he tempted her to eat from the tree of knowledge? He said, eat, and you will (BECOME AS GOD.)

According to the Gnostic's (it WASN'T SATAN THAT TOLD THEM to EAT FROM THE TREE, IT WAS JESUS CHRIST.) Jesus wanted them to realize their divinity and escape from the evil God of the material world. Even though Adam and Eve rebelled against the evil creator God and ate from the tree of knowledge, they were still divided into 2 and tombed in the material body, in poisoned in the world of matter and were constantly having more obstacle throne at them from this evil creator god.

In The APOCALYPSE OF ADAM, Adam is telling his story to his son Seth,
and this is important because of the bible explicitly mentions these 3 Sons, Cain, Able and Seth. According to the Gnostic's. Cain and Able, father, wasn't Adam. Instead, Cain and Able were born from the rape of Eve by the evil creator god. So it was Seth that was the true Son of Adam and Eve.

Remember that Adam and Eve were Originally one divine being that was split. So Seth, being the offspring of Adam and Eve, symbolically represents The Reunion of The Divine. In other words, Seth has the united power of divinity hidden within him. And this idea was so significant to the Gnostic's that those who believe. these were called Sethians.

The reason it's so significant to the Sethian Gnostic's is because everyone elts is killed in the flood except for the line of Seth which goes on to populate the entire human race.

Symbolically, this means that every single human has the hidden power of divinity within them, that they can become all powerful and escape the material work. And I'm going to show you how the Gnostic's believe this, but first you need to know more of the Story.

Adam goes on to warn Seth about the coming flood that will occur. Now in the bible, God sends a flood to drown everyone except for Noah and his family because the rest of the world is sinful, while Noah is riotous and obedient, however Adam tells his son that this is wrong that the real reason god sent the flood, is because he's angry that those from the line of Seth refused to be his slaves and are rebelling.

This is because they contain that seed of divinity withing that was passed down from Adam and Eve through Seth. But god sees that Noah and his family will still serve him, so what god does, he sends down the flood destroying and drowns the entire world except for Noah and his family and the animals on the Ark, But an unbooked to this evil creator god divine beings from the higher realms of mind save the descendants of Seth by hiding them in a cloud of light.

So god sends a flood, drowns the world, and after this, after the flood is over, GOD STRIKES A DEAL WITH NOAH, God tells Noah that if he agrees to be his slave and to populate the world with those that will be his Slaves, he will give the earth to Noah and
His decedents and made them great kings and rulers

{{And God will say to Noah… Behold, I have protected you in the ark, along with your wife and your sons and their wives and their animals and the binds of heaven… Therefore, I will give the earth to you – you and your sons. In kingly fashion, you will rule over it – you and your sons. And no seed will come from you of the men who will not stand in my presence in another glory."
— The Apocalypse of Adam}}

So Noah agrees to this and tells his sons about this deal he struck with the devil or god.

{{Then Noah will divide the whole earth among his sons… He will say to them, “My sons, listen to my words. Behold, I have divided the earth among you. But serve him in fear and slavery all the days of your Life. Let not Your seed depart from the face of god the Almighty.” — The Apocalypse Of Adam}}

But then the dependence of Seth are returned to earth from the cloud of light, and when the god of the material world discovers that hey, there are people who aren't worshiping him and refuse to be Its slaves, he's quite pissed, and he thinks that Noah betrayed him, so god confronts Noah and Noah and says hey I have no, Idea who these people are, they aren't my kids.

{{" And God will say to Noah. “Why have you departed from what I told you? You have created another generation So that you might scorn my paver.” Then Noah will say.” I shall testify before your might that the generation of these men did not come from me, non my sons."
— The Apocalypse of Adam}}

According to the Apocalypse of Adam, the earth is now populated by the sethians that refuse to worship the evil creator god And are striving to unlock the divine that's within themself. But it's also populated by those that have made a deal with this god and chosen the opposite path and have become slaves to this so-called god.

According to the Gnostic's this represents the situation that we're in right now, and it's symbolic of Gnostic Christianity or what would eventually become mainstream Christianity.

Gnostic's believe in reincarnation and the continues imprisonment of the Soul in matter. So for the Gnostic's the (only way to escape from the material world is to achieve Noesis), that is Knowledge, about what and ascend to divinity you truly are,

Where mainstream Christianity Is about faith, sin, repentance, and Worshiping god. Gnosticism was about knowledge, seeing through the illusion of the material world and becoming god.

The Gnostic's were all about understanding secret knowledge. Many of them were well verse in Platonic philosophy and looked at things metaphorically, Symbolically.

The Gnostic's looked at the Stories that are now found in the bible and saw that (God demanded animal Sacrifice, accepted a burnt virgin sacrifice, drowned the entire world, had the firstborn male children of Egypt murder and demanded unquestionable obedience and worship.)

They saw this and concluded that this god was an evil god, that it was Satan.

According to the Gnostic's, we need to be like Adam and Eve and ribell from the ruler the creator god and eat from the tree of Knowledge, which is Symbolic for (Using our minds To Look within) and be our own Saviors and achieve divinity.

So what do you think? What makes more sense?

Even just as a story, do story, do you think the god of the bible seems like a good loving god or an evil satanic being?
Do you think faith, worship, sin, and repentance makes more sense? Or self-knowledge, understanding and unlocking inner divinity?

Tell me if you think Gnostic Christianity or mainstream Christianity makes more sense to you?