

The Kitty Tea Spell
This is my second FanFiction,hope you all like it, please support me and comment me ,all suggestions are appreciated. Disclaimer:I do NOT own any of these characters.

He sighed as he looked out of his window, the garden behind the huge mansion was empty and boring. Kai sighed again. Ever since the BEGA tournament ended he had felt somewhat lonely. Tyson was, finally, dating Hillary. Max had gone with his mum back to America. Rei was with the White Tigers in China. Daichi was travelling the world challenging strong bladers so he could return and defeat Tyson. Kenny was busy with beyblade analysis for the BBA. And the Blitzkrieg boys had returned to Russia. It wasn't like Kai didn't like being alone, he often preferred it. But lately that had begun to change. Ever since his final battle against Brooklyn, Kai had realized how alone he actually felt. He knew he could call any of his old teammates whenever he needed, but he just didn't feel like they would understand that he, Kai Hiwatari, was a bit… lonely. He wasn't the type to talk on the phone either.

It's like no one really understands me. He thought as the turned around and headed for the door.

This is pathetic. Why should I car if I'm alone, I've always prefered beeing alone. He continued thinking, a bit irritated, as he left the mansion and walked down the street. The day was as gloomy as him. A dark grey sky, a cold bite in the wind and everything around him was in colours of brown, grey or black. Concrete against dead, fallen leaves. Typical for the time of year since it was late autumn. With his hands in his pockets he hunched together to keep the warmth in his body as he walked. He sighed yet again. With no new beyblade tournaments in sight he had nothing to focus his time on. Even if he continued training with Dranzer every day, it just didn't feel enough.

Maybe I should move to Russia and stay with Tala and the others. He thought. The idea didn't appeal to him much. Even if it would satisfy his small need for company, it wasn't what he needed. The two toned blue haired male frowned. If he could just figure out what he was actually longing for it would be a lot easier to solve the problem and move on. Maybe he just needed a pet or something. He looked up and noticed a small coffee & tea shop on the corner of a small building in front of him.

Maybe some hot coffee with help. With that thought in mind he headed for the small shop.

The shop was a cosy little place. It had dark panel walls and wooden floor with small brown sofas and dark wooden tables scattered all around the small space. The counter was also in a dark wood material and was covered in different sized cups, spoons, small plates, sugar and other stuff you might need for a cup of hot drink and a sweet treat. It was warm and smelled like freshly grained coffee and tea herbs with a hint of sugary frosting. Kai took a deep breath as he entered, taking in the calming smell of the place, before walking over to the counter. The shop was empty. There was a small bell on the counter, seeing no one the teen casually rang the little bell. It made a small clear sound that fitted perfectly in with the atmosphere of the place. A woman in her mid-forties came out from a small back room, probably where they made the cakes and so on. She was a bit chubby, with big curly dark blond hair, dark blue eyes, and light tanned skin. She wore a purple dress and a beige apron. She smiled at him, before she started to brew some tea. Kai ended up standing there slightly irritated, wasn't she supposed to take his order? Not make tea for herself. A moment later the woman placed a steaming hot cup of tea in front of him.

"Here you are my dear. This will help solve your problems." She said smiling. The two toned blue haired male started at the cup.

"Well go on, have a seat and drink it all up. It will help." The lady said and pushed the cup towards him before she turned to clean behind the counter. Kai raised an eyebrow while looking down at his tea.

I don't know what that woman is thinking, but I guess it can't hurt to drink it. He took the cup and sat down at one of the couches by the rearend window. He took a hold of the cup and took a sip of the warm liquid. It actually tasted quite good, and if anything it did at least help him calm down, but how it was supposed to solve his problem he didn't know. He took his time finishing the tea while watching the people walk by outside. Once the cup was empty he placed some money on the table and got up to leave. As he passed the counter the lady gave him a smile and a small wave as he left. He headed back to the mansion, it was getting dark and he felt a bit tired, if it was because of the feeling he had that day or the relaxing tea he didn't know. Remembering where the coffee shop was he made a mental note to return another day. When he finally reached the mansion the night had taken over the sky. Without bothering to tell anyone he was back Kai went straight to bed and fell asleep right away.

The next morning Kai woke to the sun shining behind the curtains. He got dressed and was about to head out the door and go to the coffee shop for breakfast when he got a strange feeling. It was like he was shrinking, and his skin itched slightly. He soon realized it wasn't simply a feeling, he was actually getting smaller. And something was coming out of his skin. Looking down he noticed that not only his height was changing. Where his feet had been a moment ago a pair of small paws now stood, what had been coming out of his skin was fur, he had even grown a tail. To Kai's surprise and horror he realized he had been turned into a small greyish blue kitten.
Chapter 1Doooooooooone😁
Chapter 2 is on it's way.
Hope you all enjoyed till now and please comment .all suggestions are appreciated.😊