

Moonlight Butterfly seeks inner pieace

The old woman was near death. I could hear her try to draw in painful gasps of breath. I felt helpless as her daughter in this remote part of the world. Was there nothing I could do? I asked myself

"Dear "she called out, As she held my hand. She looked into my eyes as I was afraid to look I looked away . Yet again she said "remember I'm still your mama child", Now tears dropped I couldn't hold them back . Seeing my mama in that state never moved me but her lazy voice got me feeling her pains too. I had never seen her in so much pain .

I with my own mouth had cast a spell on my own mama .The woman had never loved me , She was all mean , grumpy and choosy .Never her favorite she loved everyone but not me , She listened
to everyone but not me ,It was as if I was a pain to her .

"Yes you are a pain Moonlight ..you are"
she yelled . I closed my ears not because she yelled but because of the words she had spoken ,but again I asked myself howcome she knew about what i had thought....how was that possible?
Just when I was to ask ,she wiped her tears and looked into my eyes

"I hate you , I despise you ,I wish you were never my own ,you are a pain in my life ,
It is said a child brings joy ,happiness and laughter into a family . But you , you divided this family , you brought sadness and sorrow . what are you ?are you even a child or what? . But I am to be blamed if I had not cheated then you would have never been born .... maybe then life would have been better ,Now I can die in peace" She said

I stood up from where I was sitting and I smiled at her " Mommy I love you "
She looked surprised at what I had said Cause she never understood that she had sacrificed a lot for me , she had brought me to this world and that I was ever grateful for.........

to be continued............