

Planet X Chapter Three
Scott was writing in his journal when he got the phone call.
"This is Scott..." He heard a frantic voice on the other end of the line. It was Emily.
"Woah! Emily! hey calm down! Now tell me what's wrong?... I'll be right there!" Scott waisted no time, heading out the door, he grabbed his keys and headed straight to the hospital.
Scott rushed into the hospital and to the front desk.
"Can I help you sir?" Asked the receptionist.
"Yes..." He replied, trying to catch his breath. "I'm looking for Eric Eastman. He was brought in a little while ago."
"What's your name sir?"
"Scott Eastman. I'm his mate."
"He's in emergency right now sir. If you will sit and wait the doctor should be out momentarily."
"At least tell me if he's alright."
"The doctor will come see you soon please have a seat." Scott banged on the desk with his fist.
"You don't understand! I need to know if he's alright!" Scott then heard a voice say his name.
"Scott..." He turned to see Emily with tears in her eyes. She had been crying since she had gotten to the hospital. She walked over to him and gave him a hug.
"I'm so sorry Scott! This is all my fault!" She then began to cry uncontrollably. After a moment she composed herself enough to tell him what happened.
"Who's this Charley guy?" He asked, folding his arms.
"He was an old boyfriend who was abusive." Scott nodded in reply.
"There's something else."
"I'm not sure it's my place to tell you."
"Tell me anyway. "
"Hes... pregnant. " The expression on Scott's face turned from worry to shock.
"What?" He backed up to the hospital wall and slid down sitting on the floor. He put his elbow on his knee and his head in his hand.
"Why didn't he tell me?" Emily crouched in front of him.
"He was afraid."
"Of what?"
"Of being a parent. He knows how much you want to be one. But he was nervous and didn't know how to tell you." Tears began to welt up in Scott's eyes.
"I can't lose him Emily. I just can't."
"I know Scott. Don't worry. Everything'll be alright." Scott nodded with doubt.
© Elizabeth Harris