

Life in a Pot.
what we used to see in movies becomes real. it is like experiencing dejivu. we wish if it was a fantasy but it ain't an imagination.
we are in the bloody water swimming and attempting to take the dye off our physiques. but it wasn't an easy job. we didn't know the stain would stay longer than a min. but the time watch we used to count stops suddenly.
The atmosphere changes. At first, it was all about removing our stain but now we start comparing each other. we become envious. and we start fighting. the fighting gets arduous.
some of us get disgruntled and we tighten our fists.
, we become violent creatures.
and some of us were denuded. some of us were weeping and pleading mercy from the one who hit us and it didn't cease there.
The pool on one side starts to rumble and the mud began to slip people's feet. and some were dead. the death of some didn't even move the hitters to halt. rather they feel they are dominant over us. and they start to declare "our stain is unique, we can wipe out the bloody stain you all have"
but some of us who were suppressed by the hitters start to whisper about them. "they aren't good enough to remove the stain, the stain won't go off, we should ask them to reconcile with us." but it wasn't a good suggestion. they weren't happy about the idea, rather they start counting females in our group and take them to put another bloody stain over their bodies. the females who were taken were dead.
sobbing and wailing prevail and the pool starts to wiggle.
we all end up being defunct.

" The one thing we didn't know was unless we stride out of the swimming pool, we can't erase the stain."
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