

Lock of a Heart ❤ \Chap: 10//
"I made us breakfast!" Col said. He acted as if nothing happened last night... How does he just act like he's fine when he is being abused by his dad. "Okay, what did you make?" I asked. "Well I made toast, eggs, and bacon.. That's the only thing I really know how to make.. heh." He said with embarrassment. He seemed so cute how he made us both breakfast after my mom left to work. But can't forget about the gentle touch of his hand grabbing a hold of my hand. And the soft words spoken out of his mouth "Please don't go..." That made me feel... Some kind of way.. And I don't know how to explain. "That sounds good!" I said. Looking at my hand made me feel shivers... But why..? "Oh yeah.. tomorrow is Home Coming so don't forget to were somthing nice... Even though you were nice clothes everyday." He said. "Aw thanks, here let me clean up." I said. "Y-you don't have to-" Col said as i stopped him. I walked over and started to clean. "You know.. this is where I live right?" I said with a little laugh. "Can i stay another night... my dad will probably kill me... I have my Home Coming suite in the back of my trunk of my car.." Col said. "Yeah.. Also i'm gonna go shopping today to get a dress if thats alright.. You could come with me." I said. I only want a dress that is modest so I don't look like a straight up stripper. "Oh sure that woukd be nice.. But you don't have to show me the dress till tomarrow. Why was he being so nice to me... I mean he has been since the time we have met. I was finnaly noon so me and Col sat into his car and drove to the store. "So what type of dress are you looking for anyway..?"He asked. "Hm..? Well i'm looking for a modest one of course.. and pretty." I said. We finnally made it to the store. "Hey WOW, look at this dress go try it on!" Col said with excitement. I went to go to the "try on room" and put it on... Wow.. It's beautiful. I ended up buying it and I LOVE IT! "I see you looked excited!" Col said. "Yeah I am the dress is beautiful!" I said. We went home and it was late I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE DANCE AHHHH!