

The Spilling Of Thee Unknown
The money was spilling out of the truck, I look at this accident, as I run towards it to try to help that man
in the car. I hit on the window and try to ask him sir are you OK
and he does not answer me. So he look out of it. So I try to open the door,can't get in to him to help. So I get on my cellphone and call police and ambulance. They say don't leave but I do.
And I never see what happened to the money the men and what became of the cars. Who knows
what went on with that, but the Lord knows I did my part and I called the police I talked to an operator. So most people would not even do that. But why would
some one turn over a car with a bunch of money in it.
But whatever became of the man
in the car accident I hope he recovered that day I had to go to my class in college.