

to the man i want to spend my whole life with
it's been 8 months since you became the most important part of my life and i did not even realise when i got addicted to you so much that involving you in every moment would become my daily chore, sharing all the worsts and the bests. living this life with you is the best i've got. i know i've already written a lot but still words doesn't feel sufficient to express the amount of love i have for you. even "i love you ", cannot specify the intensity of this feeling. we both know that these days weren't easy, just like we were happy, we were stressed sometimes and sad sometimes but you, made me smile in every situation. you loved me from my smiles to tears , you loved the whole of me , made me realise how special i am and i'll always be thankful to you for this.

uk, whenever i am upset or sad about anything all i do is remember you, you're like a therepy to me. no matter how annoyed I am my mood suddenly changes to happy happy. i know i'm a lot irritating most of the times but you still hear me out everytime without interruption. honestly i never felt like sharing my thoughts with somebody else but with you i'm like non stop talking telling you abt my day and all the gossips i hear. now you know that I love gossiping, with you especially.
you know why i love listening to music ? because every song reminds me of you every lyric every, word everything is you i dedicate to.

this probably is your first birthday with me by your side and i really wanted it be something special, i wanted to make it special for you but i guess i'm not that lucky, but anyways we still have rest of our lives ahead of us. after we'll be done with this important phase of our lives i'll not just make you birthday special but each and every day of your life happy. these short texts are the best i can give you during these days where i sound a lot boring ik but trust me i'm not that boring.
just few months more then we'll live our best life right ?
i just , i just want you to be there for me everytime i need you. i don't want anybody else i want you to wipe my tears when i cry, i want you to make me smile when i'm upset, i want you to bring me sweets while coming home when i crave for them just like my dad, i want you be the one, be the man i want to spend my whole life with.
i know i'm not the first to wish you today and i feel so bad about it but this is also true that you remain first in my thoughts and prayers you're the one i think abt the whole day you're the one who i care abt the most. you means everything to me, without you i'm nothing.
you brought out the best version of myself you made me the person who i am rn.
i know i'm not the best but you still treat me like i'm the most perfect person in the world. you appreciate evey part of me and give me all possible happiness.

i will always remain surprised and happy at the same time abt the thing that i found you without looking but now, i also love you without trying, effortlessly unconditionally.
also i'm sorry for the times when i've hurt you unknowingly tho i never meant to but your happiness is all i want and all i pray for
thankyou for all the days when you made me feel loved and cared.
i am out of words to tell you how grateful i am to have you. happiest birthday to love of my life !!