

He is gay but he is Mine
By Obodozie Divine

He is gay😋 but he is MINE😘
Episode 1
By Authoress Diviny 🌺 🌺🌺
With summer out of d way it meant d resumption of lectures...
An opportunity lecturers got to punish we d students by increasing the notes and administering lots of projects..

Projects that lasted weeks were to be submitted d next day...

I ran into d lecture room obviously late...
I tried sneaking in but unfortunately I was caught..

"Where do u think u re going young lady?" A tall dark huge man asked..

From his size he could fit d whole room though tall he was chubby..
He was taking us chemistry...

"Good morning sir" I said trying to charm him with my smiles..

Which obviously didn't work..

"U haven't answered my question" He said ignoring my greetings

"Good morning sir" Came a voice..

The whole class turned to d ever smilin tall dark in complexion about 3 feet's tall guy standing in front of d class...

I opened my mouth as he walked passed me... His beauty was nothing compared to the most beautiful woman on heart ....

"Go to ur seat" came d lecturer's voice as he stared at d new kid...

"Yes... Young man wat can I do for u?"

"Good morning sir..." He came again ..

We d students eyes were fixed on him.. Especially d ladies

"Am new here... "He stated

"So?... I hope u re aware of d time u came in?"

"Sorry sir"

The chubby lecturer stared at him and finally let him go...

He walked into d class, his eyes searching for a seat..

"You can see here" a girl offered pushin her seat partner..

"No Sit here" Another offered..

"Thanks..." He said and sat close to me ....

The lecturer began lecturing...

I stared at d Angel beside me not knowing what to say..

"I noticed u kept glancing at me during lectures" The new kid said after lectures..

Obviously ashamed I kept mute..

"Don't bother crushing... I don't do girls" Came his tone harshly..

I stared at him confused by wat he meant by 'I don't do girls'..

Maybe he meant he liked ladies!

"Can u lend me ur note?" He said drifting me away..tbc
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