

How can you not?
I often look around at all the people around me, and I wonder why they are so different. I'm not talking personality wise, I do of course know that everyone is unique, but there is definetly a distinct difference between MY group of people and THEIR group of people.

Then I remember that they do not follow any leader. I remember that they don't give up their Wendsday and Friday nights to worship their king. They don't even believe that He exists...

...which frustrates me from time to time. Because when I look at them, I see man created in the image of God. Man created in the beautiful face of the Father.

When I look at the skies, it reminds me of how much bigger he really is. When I look at the blades of grass, I remember that he has counted each and every one of them.

So, in conclusion...

...How can you not see God? in every little thing, and every little moment? How can you not feel loved? How can you not? Because He's in the middle of every little thing, and every little moment. How can you not see God? How can you not?

(song 'How can you not' by Leanne Crawford)