

City of Pangas P.3
(A sextortion case story)

Finally, we found her, a young woman named Mia, trapped in a nightmare not of her making. Her face appeared on the screen, her eyes wide with fear. "Can you help me?" she typed, her message a whisper in the digital void.

"We will," I promised, my voice firm. "We're going to bring you out of this."

Lina nodded, her gaze fierce. "We've got you, Mia. Now let's set a trap for the spider."

Together, we crafted a plan, a delicate operation that required precision and courage. We would use Mia's digital footprint to lure the sextortionist into a false sense of security, then strike with the full force of the law.

The hours passed, each tick of the clock a heartbeat in the silent café. And then, the moment of truth arrived. The sextortionist took the bait, his greed blinding him to the trap we had set.

With a flurry of keystrokes, Lina sealed his fate, the digital net closing around him with the inevitability of justice long overdue. "He's online" she said, a triumphant smile breaking through the tension.

Mia's eyes flickered across the screen, her fear palpable even through the pixels. "Thank you," she typed, her fingers trembling. "I thought I was alone."

"You're not," I replied, my resolve unwavering. "I'm your lawyer, I'm here for you, Mia."

Lina leaned in, her expression steely. "Let's expose this predator," she said. "He preys on vulnerability, but we'll turn the tables."

Our plan unfolded like a delicate dance. Mia's digital breadcrumbs led us deeper into the web of deceit. The sextortionist reveled in his anonymity, taunting his victims with promises of secrecy. But we knew better.

"He's married," Lina whispered, her eyes scanning the data. "Two kids. Lives a seemingly ordinary life."

Mia's voice quivered. "How can someone be so twisted?"

I clenched my fists. "He's a chameleon," I said. "A lawyer by day, a monster by night."

To be continued...

© Atty. Catherine S. Pariño. 2023. All Rights Reserved