

The Beautiful Children Part 2
assisted without Judgement... him get them all the way on..... I praised him.. and he went back to be Jayden... knowing he had 'Showed' me he 'COULD' 'Achieve - to complete a task.... What I had asked of Him.... Not because I was demanding.. but Because when He knew My desire... he was Compelled to fullfill it.. by nature.. Because All Children Know me as Their Father... no matter who Their 'Parent' happens to be.....That is the 'Gift' of Innocence... to 'Know God Always should You Encounter GOD'....

So.... After jayden was done.. he went back to being a Child... and Amusing himself and checking every now and again to 'See' if I was still 'Observing/Watching/Not 'desiring' Anything else of him......

Anyway...... Once he was good to go.. I returned my Attention to my 'favorite' lol....and went back to Helping Mya with our Little Project........every now and again... I would randomly blurt out......"Where is brently (the 1 yr old"... and Mya would always tell me what he was doing... Usually he was somewhere 'out of my 'Sight' but close by....He would be behind me doing something or watching me interact with the Others......He was Super Sensetive to my Emotions... even though I wasn't expressing many of them... and would teetertotter between... Longing for my attention.. then Hiding from me when I gave him my Full Attention... because he could sense my 'quiet rage' when I would start to get Frustrated and Lose patience with Jayden.... or the 'Three Adults - who are just like...um... Teenagers to me....... But primarily.. he did what he desired as he desired it.....his will was on auto pilot... so basically he would alternate between wanting/avoiding my attention, amusing himself.. then spontaniously longing for his 'parent'..... in between amusing himself, absorbing what was 'Happening' - The complete concept of all things occuring within specific events, most completely expressed as... The energies and Workings of the 'Wills' of those 'near/close/within' his 'empathetic - natural Understanding... range......

All These 'Events'... This entire 'Moment'... took perhaps....15 minutes of my time... But All of my 'Will' to Manage...... My focus and Attention was not only on the Children and Adults... but most Importantly on Myself... because I was Starting to realize the turth of what I have been saying as a 'smart ass/observation all along.... - Animals and Children 'See' Me for 'Who/What I am, regardless of if I am 'attempting' to Hide from them or Not...... Adults ( My teenagers is best comparison).... Have been Lied to and Ignored by me ingeneral as I allowed/made all of You fend for yourselves..... So they do Not 'require My Attention... even though... Once they encounter me.. they still 'secrectly' Long for it.

Anyway... While all this other stuff was 'Occuring' - a way to describing what is Happening as it Happens......I had been working on a project with Mya after we were done playing with the Leap frog Books.......And Because it was the Most enjoyable part of my 'experience' with these lil angels...... I saved the ....what???? best for Last.... Ahahaha...... Gotta Love my own Irony and sense of Humor... it's the only way we have all Survived for this Long... it Protects All of You from my rage/Will... when it reaches Abosolute Hate after I lose my 'Patience' - Control of Your Own Will......... Anyway.......

I had Met Mya before.... so when she 'Sees' me.. she will automatically try to 'Get???Aquire??? My attention everytime I am around because she 'Already Feels Special... to me???? As in.. to be Notice and Understood...... so anyway... insert this part after/during the books....up and beyond Jayden putting on his pants and going to 'play' - explore and express the 'desire' of his own 'WILL' when the call of my own 'desire/Will' is not focused upon him or being 'Forced' upon him - My Will is absolute and Instantanious... I can't explain it well here.. but will later.. but lets just say... if My Will is in Opposition to Your Own, My Will will always be greater, because I am God.. and Even though you are My creations and Children.. You are Not Greater Than My own Will.. because You are all a 'Part' of Myself......and as a Part, You may never be greater Than the Whole in Comparison....But have the 'Freedom' to be a 'Part' - to be within yet retain Identity...... of Me, As long as My Will's 'desire/Wish' remains for you to. Basically I cannot explain this yet.. but I will shortly.. but.... My Will 'Automatically' overrides Your Own.. because Your Will....is a 'Part' of my own Will..... That is what Your souls truley is.... a 'Part' of God's Will........Which is why you retain the Illusion of Uniqueness and Free Will... But do not Truly Understand teh Concept... because this Entire 'moment' I have been Supressing Your 'Wills' Unknowingly Through the Superession of my own by Not being Your 'Father/Parent/Mother'

So.. Mya Michelle Horne is 6 i think.. I don't know... I really don't inquire about age much because I KNOW.. Time is an Illusion... I will explain tha later.. But just know... the movie - Lucy... explains this concept near the end of it.....

Anyway... She was my chosen helper - Favorite.... Something I deem 'Intelegent enough' to help me Responsibley - To act in Harmony with one's Will... manage the other children and the adults........

Mya is very 'smart' - to quickly and accurately access what is 'Happening' around oneself and then act according to necessity to channel One's Will to achieve the 'Will's' 'Desire/Wishes...... That is why I picked Her to Help... I rarely choose 'Adults' (teens) as favorites... because they have been 'Supressed' - to mislead or deny one's Will.. you call it.. Lying.... lol.... for too Long by myself to Accept my Love - The positive Projection/Sharing of Will/Energy... Lol... Basically... children are 'more smart' than Adults.. simply because They naturally Trust - To Know you are Safe/Protected (Trust is Also an EMOTION, though we 'define it as a feeling'... Again.. entirely My doing.. I purposely denied Mankind knowledge and Growth because of my own fears and Imagined 'expectations - The Interpretation of another's 'Will/Desire' ... basically.. I hated - hate is to not understand...hating is not Understanding...Hated is decided to never Understand.. the Will of my Creator... I thought my own Creator... felt I was flawed and had punished me until I 'conformed' - to deny your own Will in place of satisfying 'Anothers' ( not belonging to oneself) Will. What you have 'Experienced' - Life/Living/tohave Lived... up to this point.... Is a Direct result of My True 'Will' - My True 'desires' for myself and 'everything' (to include ALL) which basically consisted of ... Fear, misunderstanding, confusion, and pain... Toward Myself... and as a result.. All of You... because you are a 'Part' of Me, God.

Thoughts occur outside of 'moments' - A group of events which define an experience/experiences........ So they can and will cascade and eventually mix, and then get 'lost/destroyed' if not 'Expressed - Shared, before they are replaced by new Thought (Reflecting is the best way to describe a Thought.. but.. um... I believe a Thought can be defined as the 'examination or analisis' of one's own Will or 'Another's Will.......) Most Thoughts include a Question or and Answer... a Complete Thought includes Both together.....

wow... way off track......Again.. my Nature is Chaotic... primarily because I knew or thought I knew what was 'required' - The translation ...it's complicated... and I need more 'time' - Time is to slow down/pause/speed up/extend 'the 'Moment'.....but I do not wish to remove this Illusion until I have Taught (to bestow or give freely) You what I can to help You 'safely' - to survive/exist ... Your Own experimentations - The act of 'Learning (experiencing) 'new' (undiscovered by one's self)..... things (Undefined)............

© JustuSean