

How not to have anal sex
1. Don't use any lubricants
Lubricants are designed to reduce friction between two surfaces, and they work great at doing just that. However, if you're using them to prevent yourself from getting hurt, then you're doing it wrong. Lubricants are meant to be used before penetration, not after. If you've ever had anal sex, you know how painful it can get. You'll need to take extra precautions to avoid hurting yourself, and lubricants won't help.
2. Don't go down on someone who's already been fucked
If you're going down on someone, make sure they haven't recently been penetrated. That means no fingering, no handjobs, and definitely no anal play. Going down on someone else while they're still sore from having their ass rammed by a penis is a recipe for disaster.
3. Don't let anyone fuck you without a condom
Condoms are the only way to protect yourself from STIs and pregnancy. Even if you don't want to get pregnant, you should always wear a condom. Condoms aren't 100% effective, but they do offer some protection. Plus, they look really sexy.
4. Don't put anything in your butt
You might think that putting something in your butt would feel good, but it actually hurts. Your rectum is lined with muscles, and inserting anything inside could cause damage. There are plenty of things you can insert into your vagina, but nothing goes in your butt.
5. Don't have sex standing up
Sex is supposed to be fun, and standing up isn't exactly the best position for it. Sex is much easier to enjoy lying down, especially if you're trying to conceive. Standing up makes it harder to relax, and you may end up hurting yourself.
6. Don't eat spicy foods
Spicy food causes acid reflux, which can burn your throat and esophagus. Not only does this hurt, but it can also lead to heartburn. Eating spicy food can also increase your risk of developing stomach ulcers.
7. Don't drink alcohol
Alcohol dehydrates you, making you tired and sluggish. It also lowers your inhibitions, making you less likely to say 'no' to sexual advances. Alcohol can also affect your judgment, making you more likely to engage in risky behavior.
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