

The Woman Who Saw The Devil
Grandma are you ready for our dinner party tonight? Calvin Murphy ask yes Calvin I am how do I look? Catherine Murphy ask you look beautiful grandma replied Calvin. Now I gotta get the dinner started it should be ready by tonight I know we got a few people coming over said Calvin. Good replied Catherine Murphy I am going to make sure that we have sugar free snacks and diet sodas most of these people got diabetes I know they will be looking for their sugar free snacks said Calvin. Alright Calvin how’s the dinner coming along Catherine ask it’s almost done replied Calvin. Hello Catherine said the guests hello Rodger and Parcullea it’s good to see the both of you Calvin is in the kitchen getting the food prepared let’s go sit down and talk replied Catherine. Alright dinner is ready said Calvin hey Calvin could you please get the door? Catherine ask yes ma,am replied Calvin. Hello there said Calvin Oh my goodness it’s a black nigger that open the door said the rude guest well yeah but call me Calvin replied Calvin. I don’t care what your name is and I ain’t shaking your hand because you are a black nigger now move out of my way replied the rude guest. Grandma who is that racist white lady that came into our house? Calvin ask Oh that’s Roxanne Callahan she isn’t in her right mind replied Catherine Murphy. But she is racist she refused to shake my hand at the door replied Calvin that means she hates black people said Catherine. Then why is she in our house? Calvin ask well you are wondering the same thing I wonder but I think somebody called her and told her to come over for the get together here we have a few black people and a few white people are here replied Catherine. Grandma I don’t know who this lady is she is rude said Calvin I actually known her for years her father doesn’t really like black people he told her horrible things about black people see her father use to torture black people Roxanne and her family never been around black people before but her parents told her bad stuff that aren’t true about black people her father died back on August 17 1969 and her mother died back on September 9 1973 her dad had food poisoning and her mom had drug overdose replied now Roxanne is 84 years old she still hasn’t learned anything in life replied Catherine. Wow that’s horrible said Calvin Oh good morning Grandma did you enjoy our dinner party that we had tonight? Calvin ask Oh Calvin something is wrong with Roxanne she is not feeling to good and she claims to say she keep seeing the devil we need to help her replied Catherine. Oh no that’s not a good sign I will call uncle Freddie he is a priest he will know what to do said Calvin no no Calvin he is on vacation with his family we gotta figure out something replied Catherine. Nurse Bargorue Is she gonna be alright? Calvin ask well apparently Ms. Callahan is sick her body is letting her down and she doesn’t have much long to live replied Nurse Bargorue. AAAAHHHHH!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE DON’T COME GET ME!!!! Said Roxanne as she hollered and yell. What’s going on in there Catherine ask Ms. Callahan keeps saying that she sees the devil she thinks the devil is coming for her replied Nurse Bargorue Oh wow said Calvin alright I gotta go do my job I will give you both updates about what happened replied Nurse Bargorue. Grandma this is creepy I don’t know what to do said Calvin well when you get old and your time comes you will meet your side that you choose replied Catherine. Alright I got sad news said Nurse Bargorue Oh please tell us what is it? Calvin ask well Ms. Callahan had died but she said some chilling words before she died she said my soul is going to burn replied Nurse Bargorue Oh no that’s not good said Calvin.
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