

A Heaven's Miracle: Mother's Sacrifice
"You don't know what can a mother do for her child."
~ Zoë

Carol was driving her car, and as she took a U-turn, she accidentally crashed into a 9-wheeler truck.

"Hello, is this Samantha Norway?" The police officer said to Samantha.

"Yes, this is her, why are you using my mother's phone at this hour?" Samantha nervously asks the police officer.

"Miss Norway, I would like to inform you that your mom got into an accident and she was dead on arrival," The police officer said to Samantha.

"Ha? That can't happen!" Samantha said and then she cried, as the phone fell on the floor.

At the morgue...

"Mom, nooooo!" Samantha cried as she hugged the body of her dead mom.

At their house...

As Samantha was cleaning her mom's room, she found a letter saying...

Dearest Samantha,

As you've read this letter right now, I might be dead, but don't worry Mommy's still guarding you, take care of yourself in there, I will always be there, you can't see me, but I can see you, I know that this might be hard for you, but I know that you're strong, you're my daughter, I'm proud of you always, and always remember that Mommy loves you very much.

Love lots, Mommy ❤️

"Mommy, why did you leave first?" Samantha kept on sobbing.

At Carol's funeral, Samantha said "Goodbye Mommy, I love you so much." Samantha said for the last time, and she looked up above.

Samantha realised that everything happens for a reason.

To Be Continued...


© Fairy Zoë 🧚‍♀️