

Broken Without You
The box of chocolates drop to the ground with a thud, I stand there lost for words. Tears begin to pool in my eyes and one rolls down my cheek. The moon glows in the murky sky as I watch him kiss another girl. I cannot bear to stand here any longer and sprint back home with tears pouring out my eyes. I thought he liked me, how could he do this to me? Foolish I was being, to grow feelings for someone that was just nice to me. I run across the road and pay no attention to who's in front of me. Slamming into a stranger, my tears wipe onto them, “Sorry”, I say in a quivering voice and continue to run home. I unlock the door and run into my room flinging the door shut. I lay in my bed and cry for the rest of the night.

My alarm clock buzzes as I sit up and groan -my face dry from the tears, another day of school -ugh. I slip on a pair of grey jeans and a white and green jumper and walk to the kitchen. Eating my breakfast I look at the clock. It's 8:37, still some time before school starts. Finishing my food, I put on some trainers and grab my bag, holding my phone tightly. The door closes behind me as I plod down the stairs, my footsteps echoing in the building. The sky is a greyish blue colour and the trees are shades of orange and yellow- it’s Autumn afterall. Groups of people stand near the entrance as the substantial white sign which reads ‘Redcrest High School’ meets my eyes.

The bell rings as I walk into my form class, having done this about hundreds of times before. I sit down as the teacher takes the register to signify our existence. Looking at my time table I see that I have finance next- eh it's boring. The bell goes off again and everyone gets up and leaves.

After about 3 minutes and many hallways later, I finally reach the finance classroom. Taking stuff out of my bag, I look up and notice someone that I haven't seen before. “This is our new student Zayn, you can sit next over there”, the teacher says and points to the seat next to me. I sigh, now I have to socialise, something that I don't enjoy doing. He walks over and sits next to me. “Hi I'm Zayn, what's yours?, he says in a low voice. I turn to face him and the first thing I notice is his eyes, one is green and one is brown. Still amazed by this, I also notice he has freckles and dark brown hair flowy and parted. Remembering that he asked me a question, I snap back to reality. “Im Mei, nice to meet you”, I say. “Nice name”, he replies. “Thanks,” I answer. The lesson continues as usual - boring.

Slouching on a table with my lunch, people gossip and eat. Zayn comes over and sits across the table. “Mind If I join you?”, he asks and I nod. I normally eat alone but a bit of company wouldn't hurt. “ Do you always eat alone at lunch?”, he questions. “Yea, I don't have any friends”, I say. “Don't you get lonely?”, he says. I shrug “Well I'm used to it”, I say. “Can I be your friend?”he asks, glancing at me. I think for a second. “Ok, let me give you my number”, I respond and type in my number on his phone. He grins at me and I smile back. New friend, I guess that's good.

The next day passes quickly too- with still boring lessons apart from art which I enjoy. Strolling home I decide I should go to the library. I go there all the time since it’s only a couple of minutes away from my apartment. A small bell chimes as I enter the library, no one here except me. I walk over to a certain aisle and look for a book. Then I spot it and smile, my favourite manga series and pick the one I need to read next. I take a seat on a comfy blue chair and look at the front cover. “Oh hey”, says a voice. I flinch. “Sorry didn't mean to frighten you”, he says. I peer up at him. “It’s ok”, I say. “Oh you're reading my favourite manga, which book are you on?”, he says cheerfully. “Oh really it's my favourite too, I'm the 9th one”, I say with a small smile. “Looks like we have something in common”, he says with a smile, then sits down next to me and we chat.

Quiet talking spreads all around the room, as I scribble down notes in History class, we have exams coming up in a few months so we need to prepare. Walking around the field I meet a dead end and go to turn back but a group of people are in front of me. Then I notice one of the girls look familiar- it’s the girl I saw Noah kissing on that day.. I roll my eyes at her. They abruptly gather around me and I get squashed into a corner. One of the boys pushes me onto the ground, my leg scrapes on the pavement-ouch. “ You need to give us money from last time, remember?”, a boy says. I scoff at them. “Oh you won't, well blame yourself for this then”, he says. His hand swings out, punches my lip, then the pain hits me and it starts to bleed. They all tower above me and start to kick, I sit there unsure what to do and let the pain continue. After about a minute or two, they stop and leave, that girl looks back at me and scowls. I sit there not moving and close my eyes , the sound of notifications from my phone muffled.

I feel someone shaking me and open my eyes, it’s Zayn. “What happened,“Let's go to first aid”, he says agitated. I nod slowly. And he helps me up, we walk gradually to first aid. Laying on the blinding white bed, Zayn is perched next to me. The nurse cleans my lip and leg and I try not to pull away as it stings. “Who did this to you?”, he asks bitterly. I look down to the floor. “Just some idiots who want money”, I mutter. “Well I won't let that happen again!” he says angrily. “Ok..”, I say. He puts his arm around me and I lean on his shoulder.

Wandering in town, I realise that I have work! How could I be so forgetful that I don't even remember that I have a job. I turn the other way and rush to work looking at the time every minute. Hurrying into the coffee shop, I slip on a beige apron and tie my hair up. Now I start my 6 hour shift. Making a cappuccino, I turn around and see Zayn. Surprised by him, he walks over to the counter. “Hey, I didn't know you worked here”, he says beaming at me. “Yea, I started working here a few months ago, what would you like?”, I say. “Oh nice maybe I’ll come here more often, can I have an iced latte”, he replies. “You don't have to come just because I work here”, I exclaim. “It’s fine really”, he says, tapping his card on the machine. “If you say so, your drink will be ready in a minute”, I answer and go off to make drinks.

Looking through the storage room, I notice that the box I need is at the very top. Standing on the tip of my toes, I shuffle the box closer to me. But in a second they all crash down on top of me. Ouch, I mumble to myself and stand up in the pile of boxes. Rubbing my head as I go back to make drinks, Zayn looks at me. “Everything ok?”, he says, sipping his coffee. “Yea, just some boxes fell on me”, I say embarrassed. “Are you hurt?”, he says, sounding worried. “I'm alright”, I say. “Ok, be careful next time”, he says in a concerned voice. I nod and go back to work. Why is he so worried about me? Maybe he’s just being nice.

I sit down on a table and sigh loudly. Finally finished my shift-I'm so tired. I glance outside, the sky is shadowy and poorly lit by the moon. Walking home, a freezing breeze strokes me, I shiver from the cold. Why did I decide to wear a skirt today? I hear footsteps behind me. Then a warm layer covers my shoulders. I turn to look up and see Zayn staring back at me. “What are you doing here?”, I ask confused by his sudden appearance. “Oh I was just out and saw that you finished your work”, he states. “Oh ok”, I say. We walk together and then I reach my apartment. “Thanks for walking me home”, I say, handing him his jacket back . “No problem”, he says. I wave at him and he waves back then I head up the stairs to my apartment.

The next 2 days pass by as usual, work and school all the dull stuff. Scrolling on my phone, I get a message from Zayn. ‘Hey I've been invited to a party, wanna join?’. Hmm, well might as well go since it’s the weekend. ‘Ok, what time and where?’ I reply. ‘At 6pm, I'll send you the location’, he says. Now I need to get ready for the party. Rummaging through my wardrobe, I pick out an off white, long sleeve dress with cuffs and put it on. Throwing on some makeup and jewellery, I peer at the clock it’s 5:47! I rapidly put some boots on and shove my phone and keys into my bag and hurry down the stairs.

Getting off the bus, I see Zayn standing outside a club and make my way to him. “No need to rush”, he says grinning and we head inside. Coloured lights brighten the whole room and flash every second. Music blasts from huge speakers and people are everywhere. We sit down at a table with 6 other people, they chat and laugh while drinking in between. I feel anxious in this place, I've never been to a club before and I don't enjoy socialising. “Are you ok?”, Zayn asks. “Just a bit anxious, I don't go out often”, I say. “Do you want to leave?”, he asks. “No it's ok, I don't want to bother you”, I respond. He nods.

A few hours pass and we clink our cups and drink again. My head hurts and my vision is slightly blurred, I blink at the flashing lights as they seem to be ten times brighter. “I think it’s time for us to go”, Zayn says looking at me. “I don't want to go..”, I say, my speech splutters. He grabs my arm and pulls me to stand up and I stumble. As we leave the club, I notice it’s raining and bolt outside and almost trip as I do so. The sky is black and everything is dark, only the street lamps providing a little light, clouds spit out beads of rain. The cold rain hits my skin and it starts to pour. I run around like a child as my clothes and hair get wet. And then I see a person in the distance. Squinting, I see Noah and a girl holding hands. I stand there in the soaking rain frozen in place.

Tears run down my face. Zayn comes with an umbrella and holds it above us. I put my arms around him tightly and weep my tears against his clothes. “Why doesn't he like me, am I not good enough for him?”, I stutter. Zayn looks down at me and pets my head slowly. “He doesnt deserve you, you’re perfect in every way”, he says. I sniffle and step back. Rain pits and pats on the floor creating puddles on the ground. I look up at Zayn, my eyes pink and puffy. “Let me carry you home”, he says. He then bends down, puts his arms around my back, behind my knees and lifts me up. My arm around his shoulder, I place my head against his shoulder and close my eyes.

Keys jangle and my apartment door opens, the light shining in my eyes as I blink. He places me on my bed and I shift to sit up. My body still half asleep, he brings me a glass of water. “Here drink this”, he says, handing me the glass. I drink the water, my head aches and my body feels stiff. “Get some rest, you’ll feel better tomorrow”, he says and leaves, the door shutting behind him. I lay in bed and close my eyes, then drift off.

Morning sun glows on my face causing me to wake up. Getting out of bed, my head feels alot better with just a small ache. I go to the bathroom to have a shower. A few minutes later, I go into my room feeling refreshed, and get ready. My phone beeps as I get a message from Zayn. ‘How are you feeling?’, he asks. ‘A lot better’ I say. ‘Meet me at the library, we can spend the day together’, he says. ‘Ok, I'll see you there in 10 minutes’, I reply. I finish off my breakfast and make my way to the library.

I enter the library and see Zayn glancing at some books. “Hi”, I say as I stand next to him. “Hey”, he answers. “Sorry for what happened yesterday, I was a complete mess”, I say embarrassed. “Oh, it’s ok, dont worry about it”, he says smiling. “I'm going to look for some books”, I say and head to the other aisle. Inspecting the books, I catch sight of the book I need and of course it has to be high up. I grab a stool and stand on it, extending my arm as far as I can. The stool wobbles and I fall backwards on the floor, someone catches me but also falls from the impact. I peep up and see Zayn’s eyes staring back at me, I flush pink. His arms are on the side of me to stop him from being on top of me. “Sorry”, he says and gets up. I stand up and brush my clothes. “It’s ok” I say my cheeks are reddish. “Are you ok?”, he asks. “Yea, thanks to you”, I say blushfully and turn my head down. He lifts my face up with his hand and we meet eyes, his eyes are mesmerising with its two colours and I blush even more. He laughs. “Here’s the book you wanted”, he says handing me the book. “Thanks”, I say, taking it from him. “Do you want to have lunch at my house, my mum and sister aren't home yet,” he says. I look at the time it’s 12:46. “Ok”, I reply.

He unlocks the door to his house and we both step inside. Taking my shoes off, I scan around his house. An aroma of flowers floats in the house and small plants are scattered around the area. “Your house is really nice”, I say, fascinated by the place. “Thanks, follow me”, he says. He walks into a room with a wooden table and a marble kitchen. “Sit down, I'll get some food”, he states. I sit down and wait. “Do you like sushi?”, he asks. I nod. He then places a plate of sushi in front of me and sits down. “Eat up”, he says with a small smile. I eat the sushi, my cheeks full from the food. He chuckles, “You're cute with those big cheeks”, he says looking at my face. My face turns slightly pink and I swallow the food. “When do you have exams?” I ask , trying to change the subject. “Oh, I start them tomorrow, you?” he answers. “Oh me too, we’ll finish them at the same time then, on the 23rd of December”, I say. “Oh, cool”, he says. “I hope it will snow in the holidays”, I say merrily at the thought of snow. He smiles at me.

Time passes by as we study and do our exams day after day- it feels almost endless. Skipping out the doors of my college, I smile at the fact of finishing my exams. Zayn comes next to me. “Wanna go to the park?”, he asks. “Ok!”, I say and we go to the direction of the park. Strolling through the park, the weather is frosty and bitterly cold as it's only 1 degree. Then a flutter of white lands on my hand and I gasp. “It’s snowing!”, I say, amazed. More fluffy crystal particles fall from the grey sky and cover the park. I gaze around as the snow falls in my hair and on my coat. “Let’s take a picture”, he exclaims and gets out his phone. He pushes me next to him. “Pose for the picture”, he says joyfully. We pose and he takes some pictures. “Cute!”, I say, examining the pictures.

Someone’s shoulder jolts me forward and Zayn turns around. Our lips touch for a second and I take a step back. “I'm sorry I didn't mean to-”, before I can even finish my sentence. He grabs my back and pushes me towards him. My lips touch his soft, peach ones and my eyes widen in surprise. My heart beats quickly and my cheeks flush a rose colour. We stare into eachothers eyes, his green and brown ones into my amber eyes. Snow continues to drop from the misty sky and covers the park in a white sheet, that was the first time someone truly loved me.
© XLittle_WriterX