

Believe in yourself ✨
Have you ever heard the word "magic?"
Are you aware of its true meaning?
Have you ever experienced anything "magical?"

For most of you, magic means to just roll the magical stick and you'll get what you want. It can be a fun game for you but in reality it is not.
It is not limited to a magical stick or to any tarot reading nor about a magician, who has this skill set to make you believe in a hypothetical presence of anything.
Magic is something which forces you to create it.

Now the question arises, how to create it?
it doesn't take much to create a magic. the only key to it is "belief."
At times, we humans have a tendency to believe in things, which holds no possibility of coming true. We tend to believe in anything which is supernatural. As if, the power has been applied on to something and things will happen inevitably-not possible.
Humans are always in search of magic, whether it be in any form.
But instead of finding it, search for it in your own self. Yes, rather believe in anything that blesses your soul -
believe in yourself, because only you have the power to create wonders for yourself. This is an ultimate magic.
Life never comes with a manual to anyone. We live within our own set of rules. If you find it hard to believe in your own human self, believe in that which gives life to you rather lean on that. Believe in that which beats your heart, believe in that which breathes life into your body every day. YOU ARE A MIRACLE IN MOTION.

You can overcome anything.
You are capable of incredible feats.
Your life is NOW.
Let nothing and no one shackle or diminish you, including you!
You can be your greatest friend or your greatest foe (right? You know what I’m talking about!)

Believe in yourself and watch how life magically responds to your powerful energy.

It is the most important gift you give yourself on this life journey.