

The Last of Me

They say love only touches you once and some say you don't know what that feels like. But I think one knows, deep down. You feel it within parts of you. The little voice inside of your head has so much hope for possibilities. How can I be so certain of you, was a question I asked myself a million times. Every love story has a perfect answer. But I couldn't give that to you. How the eyes can look far beyond what the heart conceals and the lips tell stories of the untold and the voice taking you from one place to another, travelling through time, distance and a space no greater than a 40 minute drive.
I don't doubt you'll find love even for a second. But the little moments I've had, I will treasure. I have taken the laughter, the funny moments, your serious tones, your courage and our moments of anxiety, fearing the very same things as memories to hold. I haven't spent my time analysing what I've seen, but mostly I've spent according to what I've felt. I'll take the "L" sorry Mr O. G. I thought this is more important for me. But do I have any regrets meeting you? No. How can I? nomatter how hard you try to make me think the worst. I still see the good. Cruel hey? Painful.
You have a billion things to do. But if by any chance you do. The slightest chance. One day, when you're having a normal day, when life seems good or bad... I ask that you never forget the value you brought to my life. Some people are meant to cross a path for the greater good. And if there ever is a moment you sipping on a warm cup of tea, think of a woman who once told you how absolutely amazing you are. Think of how you'll tackle this world, head on strong and remember that you'll achieve all that your heart longs for. Our lives are so short, though we may live longer, our life span decreases day by day.
You asked me what I felt when I saw you.
The first time I caught a glimpse of you
your eyes.
When I saw you through the corner of my eye. The kind of glimpse that allows you to only look once. The perplexity of your light. I want to look again, but once is enough.
Once was enough to want to see you again. and again. and then again.
You walked into my life, with a half smile, and a light staring into my soul.
and then you stared at me, and it seemed I needed to search what you were looking for.
But then I went to bed that night, I closed my eyes, and I asked God to give me the strength I had lost on the way.
And it felt like time stood still, and I knew what I had to do. What I was afraid of became true.
I wish you, happiness.