

Its Been A While
So yea, I haven't done my mental check in for a while, it's been an interesting past few weeks.
so I don't remember if I mentioned this last, but I had a severe panic attack.
Thankfully my bestie stepped in and was there for me , bit it just got me thinking ( nothing new there), I can't go on like this.

so I started researching positive affirmations, they've been helping me out a bit.
I downloaded them, listen to them whenever, especially on the hinges of a panic attack.
it's not a cure, it's a start.
I have a lot of childhood and adulthood trauma, I have accepted that there will be times that the memories will seem... difficult but I have to try and ouch through.
I've eased a bit off writing poetry , a lot of self reflection, but I'll be back soon, a lot to let out.
my last poem titled "TRIGGERED" is actually a true story. I know what abuse is like and I think, I may write a few more poems dealing with trauma.
I'm trying to find healthy ways of expressing myself and healing.
I've made a few changes, such as having a relationship with someone, it's ok so far.
I've started talking to my mother ( we've had a strained relationship over the years)
I'm just trying to live and be positive.
wish me well.

© C.Wynter