

Ghost Story 1
Late at night, I stayed up watching an old black and white mainly because I wasn't yet able to close my eyes. The night was quiet, everyone was sound asleep. The house creaked under my feet when I walked. I finally decided to go and try to lay down to get some sleep.
The bedroom was even darker, and something had me unnerved. I wasn't watching a horror movie so I didn't have a reason to be spooked. Yet I just layed there next to the love of my life upon the mattress staring into the dark. I started seeing images with my eyes open on the ceiling.
I watched these images imprinted in my eye from the television for at least 5-10 minutes before I started noticing that something else was there. Yea, it wasnt from me watching tv late at night. It was solid black floating above my husband. Scared, I continued to watch in horror to see if I could see more detail because it was opaque and almost not solid enough to see. What was it doing? Was it what was giving him his messed up dreams? Was I really seeing something on my ceiling floating above us as we slept?
The ghost looked feminine, and old because it wore what looked to be a shroud of black wrapped over her face. Then all of a sudden it's head turned to look at me noticing it there above him. It rushed at me; I screamed while pushing him out of bed to go into the living room for the rest of the night.
In fact, after that... we never slept in the bedroom again. Who knows if it still floats above us at night. I never saw it again, but after having a mental break down shortly thereafter, we moved out to never return to the haunted house I grew up in.

True story.
© Frankii Fame