

Ep 8 Mistakenly Naked
So after shower . Lisa got out with a towel wrapped around her body. Her beautiful body can attract any man. Michele saw her like that and he could not control them anymore. His heart was beating fast and having an erotic sensation between his legs ( I think you can understand what I am saying ;-)). He ran towards her and put his coat on her shoulders. Lisa said " I have clothes which I packed. " Michele said, " I know but if any person sees you like this then I won't like it " . Lisa said " Are you jealous? Am I naked? Hey is there is anyone who wanna see me naked? " . Michele said " I am jealous. You are my nobody has the right to see your body. I am obsessed " . After saying he took her on his shoulders and put her on the bed. He even locked the door. Michele whispered," If I am going to be your husband then how com any other person will see my wife half-naked " . She pushed him and as she was going to take her suitcase . Unfortunately, her towel got removed from her body and fell to the ground. She was completely naked. She ran towards him and closed his eyes. Michele laughed and said " I saw miss Lisa's naked body. " Lisa got ashamed and didn't say a word. What is next? Let's read in the next episode. Byeee :-)
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