

The Rocking Horse
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush, she could sense something or someone was getting closer so she eased her way to the only structure she could see. A dark emposing building.
The footsteps following her sounded closer as she ran through the empty corridors of the old abandoned hospital, dodging the debree scattered across the floor.
Her was heart pounding faster and faster and faster as she ran and her lungs felt as if they were going to explode any minute, but she couldn't stop.
It was after her, and the faster she ran, the closer the steps seemed to get sounding louder and louder with each passing second.
Old ripped and tattered curtains are we're billowing through the broken windows as she ran past, and one of them reaching out with unseen hands engulfing her head she could the harsh scratches and smell the pungent fragrance as it sliced across her face.
The Corradoor seemed to stretch out longer, getting further and further away, suddenly she saw a door to the right and threw it open as she rushed inside jumping as it slammed shut behind her.
All she could here was her ragged breathing and her heart slamming against the walls of her chest, slightly through the sound of her breathing she could hear a strange creaking noise slowly she turned, scanning the room as she went.
Then she saw it, the rocking horse sitting in the corner of the slowly rocking back and forth.
Then it started scooting across the floor, it's face twisting into a grotesque shape, she couldn't move, fear had her frozen to the spot where.
What once was a beautiful star spangled and rocking horse was now a monster with a twisted snarling face with long razor sharp bloody fangs with yellowish fome oozing from its mouth.
"This can't be real" she screamed as it attacked her, it's jagged claws ripping through her flesh. "it's just a dream, just a dream" she screamed. "Oh God" she moaned, "wake up, WAKE UP".

© Mary Bowie