

Seasons Of Fear
For a start,Not everyone is afraid,Many are very brave,in different situations,Bravery comes in many ways,or circumstances,But so does FEAR..
The World As Now
Fear prevades so many lives now,,Fear of Death,Injury,Fear for our loved ones wellbeing,Fear of bankruptcy,Hunger,The list is endless..Controlling our emotions,self discipline,,& a positive attitude,normally help to stave off the worst aspects of fear,But the more insecure we get,the more we worry,the more afraid we get! Eventually,it becomes paranoia & phobia,leading to FEAR, dominating the lives of those who carry it to extreme lengths,Examples being people who won't leave their home,They become a slave to their phobia..
Fear & Its Consequences
Someone i knew, was " Afraid" to let their daughter,go away to college,So she didn't,So menial jobs,low wages,was all she ever knew,she married a totally unsuitable guy,Three kids, then divorce,It ruined her life,but yet,not her Fear..Someone elses fear,destroyed her life..There are many instances if this world wide,Censorship,is a form of fear,because those who practice it,are afraid the publc will learn the truth.Today,we have the "Covid 19 " virus bringing both sides of the "fear issue" to the surface,IE: I'm afraid to let vaccinated," I'm afraid NOT to get vaccinated,Some big Pharmaceutical companies,(As businesses will!) use these fears both to gain a financial edge against their competitors,or in instill the need to let vaccinated with THEIR product,Fear.. as a marketing weapon,fear.. as a profit means..Theres "big bucks" to be made from these tactcs..
Fear Of the Future
Much is made about the resources of the planet running out,oil especially,For a start,Oil won't hit full production until 2050 then it will be at its peak.But Oil companies use "fear" to keep the prices up! Remember these are vastly rich conglomerates,who can easily fund "scare tactic" stories & media,to make sure profits stay high.

Politics & Fear
Governments,Corporations,& Religon,won't & DARE NOT admit it,Many many are very easily influenced or brainwashed,Because media is the easiest way to do that today,its become the most important "weapon" of all to induce fear,In older times Religon was used,The Church or Mosque,was the easiest way to reach the people..Bishops ect became very important,back then,for this reason,today less so,but still potent,particularly in the third world.. Politicians wishing to be elected,will paint a "bleak" picture of the State or country,without them,without their ideas & input..The incumbant politician will try to paint a much brighter picture of how things are & what could be destroyed by electing someone else! (Of course their "salary" has nothing to do with it!😄) In truth, neither are quite true,but both know the value of the "Fear factor" in their campaigns to further both their career & electoral chances..Its simple,whoever scares the electorate enough,normally wins,psychology has been used long before Sigmund Freud made it more famous ,Its always been there,..Not a new discovery,Within humanity..It has always existed..

Of Wars,Military,& Subjugation

The world we live in, is probably the most "insecure" era,in history,Because so much is highly technical or scientific,in modren warfare,people simply don't understand or comprehend it, .That in turn leads to even more dread,& forboding,,the unknown & unseen..Not unlike our ancestors gazing at the stars,& wondering.. If we are to progress as a human race,facing up to our doubts fears,& insecurities is a prerequisite for our advancement..Many fears are unfounded.Was it not Franklin Dela no Roosevelt who said "The only thing we have to fear.. is fear itself!" Why Fear Can Handicap Us Some great examples of how being "Afraid" would have stopped our development in the past. Columbus: Wouldn't have discovered the "New World" (He was too "afraid" to sail!) Magellan: Wouldnt have circumnavigated the world(Too "Afraid to fall off the "edge!" The tyranny if Nazism would not have been defeated (Too "Afraid" of the enemy!) Man wouldnt have went to the moon (Too afraid of the unknown) Every step forward humankind ever to ok required courage,it enhanced our lives,our sense of purpose,our sense of destiny,While we may be appalled at many happening & events today,Running away,or going into denial,won't stop it happening,Thats reality,The old cliche of the Osterich burying its head in the sand won't block it..If there in a real fear.Its that the world is becoming sharply divided between the "Hyper-Sensitive & the Ultra Brutal"..There indeed,is a matter to be addressed as a matter of no small urgency.If we don't..It may be the ruin of us..