

Make your short story take place in a skyscraper. Stumbling through the skies, exactingly igniting the heavens.

The morning mist covers the world of the city down below me, as I go through the seasons of summer an winter an spring an fall, an from up here I am closer to the constellations of stars, as I stand amongst my steel an metal brothers an sisters, that live close by or across town in different sizes an shapes, born from the imagination of others wanting to reach new heights, decorated an painted an bricked to a hearts masterpiece of design, to live an be here for future generations that come through, an as each day begins I feel the sunlight as it warms me, an at night my lights shine to guide you on your journey, an as I feel too the rain while it washes over me yet I am dry, feeling too the wind blowing against me trying to knock me down, while I protect an shelter all those that live an dwell within me, an through this life I will still always be here time after time.

So now, even as I might crumble an buckle an make my way down, I will only be rebuilt never breaking my spirit, as I will rise above, being apart of their lives as I know everything an listening in, feeling their joys an sorrows as they hang memories on my walls.
© AStoryBookLoveAffair