

He abandoned me for another 😪

"Some more words please", pleaded poetry
"Humour me, for I nestle in you,
Play with me, for I need you,
Dance in me, for let joy be shared too,
Please, Just look at me, for I love you"
I laughed, for I was singing a different song
It wasn't melodious but it was my song
It was off key and the lyrics were all wrong
Yet, it was my song
The song made my day
The song brought much needed joy
It took my blues away
I laughed ay poetry
"I don't need you, I say,
Words love me, they give me way
They dance in me, humour me and join me in my play,
They let me play my soul song, so
Poetry, you please stay away"
"Poets ache to love you, to romance you
Run into their welcome pens,
Make love with your words and
Rhyme with them
I'm sorry for this one sided love, my dear,
for your ache, for this rejection,
for your loneliness, for your fear,
Well, let's be just friends
I'm a loyal one and
I shall be there whenever, wherever
Now! Yes, Yes, Now and For Ever"