

for the last time..
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, and saw someone swinging in the swing of her garden.Seeing the person she became a little panic but still she gained up courage and thought of facing the person in her garden.. So she took up a torch and went towards her door and she was just about to open the door but suddenly the door knocked up .. she got very scared..she stood still there for a while.. and again the door knocked..she got scared as it was quite strange for someone to arrive at this late hours.. she hesitated herself to open the door.. but the door bell sound became louder and louder and repeatedly.She got very much scared but she couldn't avoid the noise.. She didn't know what to do in that momemt. ten suddenly something strikes her mind , she quickly went outside to check weather that person is still i the swing or not. but surprisingly that person was there is that same position swinging.. Now she became crazy out of fear she couldn't get who the person is actually outside her house and also who the person is in that swing...Then she thought of calling her ex- boyfriend with whom she had broken up just a few days ago.. So she called her but he didn't recieve his phone, she tried again but again the same happened. She thought might he is not receiving the call becoz they broke up and may be it was his ego. and she lost all hope.. There again the door bell ranged now she got furious out of anger and fear, she determined herself she will open the door and face the person

now the matter comes
she dare to opened the door but she found noone ,she became furious.. she walked with her legs clasped loudly.. but again to her surprise the person in the swing too vanished.. she felt something strange..and so she thought to get back to her home.. but the while she turned back she saw her ex-boyfriend bleeding all over his body.. and
he couldn't even stand properly his condition was critical.
seeing this all she burst out crying.. she hugged him tightly in that situation and felt very sorry for him.. she was about to ask the reason for this condition but her boyfriend spoke out. his voice became very low he couldn't even speak property but still he asked "dearr why you didnt open the door ? if you would have open this door today you might be able to see my last beeath. "
hearing this she left his body and kept staring at him, drops of pain tears roll down her cheeks.. she no longer could control her emotions.. she now get it that her boyfriend is no more alive but still his heart is full of love for her so he could come up to her even being a soul..
she not even stood for a moment she lifted up her heels and kissed him and once for the last time she proposed him..

and eventually the soul smiled and vanished away as his wish was fulfilled..