

Faults of Desire
So, What is the Problem?
The 'Problem' is that, We all want good things but we can't praise the good of others... And trust me the 'Good' has truly no interest to come to those people who can't respect it.
We all have one over another Desire to fill.
But here the problem begins..
We all want to be rich but we hate rich.
We all want to be happy but we feel jelous by seeing someone happy.
What's wrong?

Yes! literally nothing is wrong.
At the end of the day, humans are just a type of animal afterall and they are exposing themselves day by day.

But we are 'Modified' animals of this earth, we can build, we can destroy, we can love, we can use our intellect to Win every problem which other animals can't.

What knowledge we need to gain now is START TO RESPECT PEOPLE ..

In our busy days we even forget to care the Emotions of beloved ones.
Dont do this people!
You are good enough in Sharing and Caring; so why to waste these talents?
Love & Respect all deserved people, and never stop one thing : LEARNING.
That will help humans to grow to a better extant.
© mainak Xd