

The Mysterious Afterlife
Rex, a 25 years old boy from a middle class family. Life was happily sad for him. Parents had mid income, but days were going almost smoothly.
But time changes..
One day Rex met an accident and died, his earthly life had ended up.
Stop ! The story has not ended.
It's actually starting.
After Rex died, his soul went to the Justice Room of Souls or you may say 'The Court of God', where both the Representatives from HEAVEN & HELL are present.
Rex was surprised to see this kind of arrangements for souls.
The judge called his name, he was little bit tensed, but left his seat & went to the witness box. After a long discussion, the 'God judge' decided to send him to HEAVEN.
Rex slowly start walking with 'Heaven Representative'. Outside the 'Court of Souls' there was a Cart with Horse standing on the road. Rex ride on the cart and reached Heaven after 'a Day long journey'.
Rex realized that there was no 'Climbing Steps' from Earth to Heaven, it's just a 'Big Door', after opening of which you can enter into the Heaven.
The fields of Heaven were Full of Flowers; animals , humans , dinosaurs all were present there in the form of soul. The souls can travel through air. And nobody is disturbing anyone, silent is everywhere. Everybody is taking whatever they want. No Greed, No lacking of Food. Fruits & Flowers are everywhere. All Foods can automatically generate itself again within a day. All were together but no debate.

After watching these all, Rex can realize that "Why do Earthly People call Heaven The Ultimate Peace?" He pleased & started living happily ever after.
© mainak xd