

Be Desireless
Hello to all the lovely authors, I hope you all are quite good. I experience this thing quite often that be desireless, as if I have desire for something or I have need of something that thing get far away from me as I didn't get it. So, my mentor teach me this thing to be desireless because, desires are the main source of sorrows. As your desires get increased the way you get into troubles.

If you desire for one thing, on next you desired to be other thing and in this way your desires get increased and if your desires doesn't get fulfilled then, definately you get into troubles. If you be desireless, then the things will simantanously comes to your own way. You even didn't thing means at much big things you get and it's completely unbelievable. But, in this case you need to strength out alot as being desireless is not easy but it's not immpossible.
God bless everyone.....
© Kashish Chandnani