

Failing the Test
When Saul became king of Israel, the people
had to go to the Philistines to buy iron farm
tools. When these tools became dull, the people
had to go back to the Philistines to have them
sharpened since they weren’t allowed to have
blacksmiths. But the Philistines wouldn’t sell
weapons of war to the people of Israel. The only
ones to have modern swords and spears were
Saul and his son Jonathan.
As king, Saul organized an army of 3,000 men.
He personally oversaw 2,000 of them, and gave
1,000 to his son. Jonathan took his men and
attacked a Philistine outpost. Saul knew that this
was an act of war, so he quickly tried to build his
forces in preparation.
The Philistines reacted to this attack with
force. They marched into Israel with 3,000
chariots, 6,000 horsemen, and a massive number
of troops.
The men of Israel were terrified when they saw
this huge army come into their land. Most of the
men in Saul’s army ran for their lives. They hid
wherever they could. They hid in caves, among
rocks, and down in wells. Some even left the
country. Others actually joined the Philistine army!
Samuel told the king not to go into battle until
they had sacrificed to the Lord. He told Saul to
go to a particular place and wait for him. The
king went to that place, but Samuel wasn’t there.
He waited three day – four days. Still Samuel
didn’t come. He waited five day – six days.
Samuel didn’t come.
Saul watched as his men continue to desert
the army. Finally, on the seventh day, he felt
he couldn’t wait any longer. He got the things
needed for the burnt sacrifice, and offered it up.
Just as he finished, Samuel arrived. Saul went
out to greet him. The prophet said, “What have
you done?”
Saul said, “The Philistines are about to attack,
and my army is leaving me. I didn’t know if I
would have the Lord’s help. I waited for you,
but you didn’t come. I had no other choice, so
I decided to act on my own. I offered the burnt
offering to the Lord.”
Samuel said, “Oh, you have acted like a fool!
Didn’t you realize this was a test? You failed it!
If you had trusted God, the Lord would have
established your kingdom over Israel for all time.
Now your kingdom won’t last long. The Lord has
already found a man after his own heart. He’ll
become king and God will establish his kingdom
for ever.”
Samuel then turned and left the king. Saul
counted his men and found he only had 600
soldiers. The Philistines had camped on the top
of a cliff so they could control the important pass
that was below. So Saul took his small army and
camped on top of the cliffs on the opposite side
of the pass.

© God Child