

The Anointing of David
The Anointing
of David

Samuel couldn’t stop thinking about how God
rejected Saul as king over Israel. The Lord said
to Samuel, “Stop brooding about Saul! Take
some anointing oil and go to the home of Jesse
at Bethlehem. I’ve selected one of his sons to
become king.”
Samuel said, “Lord, King Saul will kill me if he
finds out.”
The Lord said, “Take a calf to Bethlehem and
say you’re coming to sacrifice to the Lord. Invite
Jesse and his sons to join you. I’ll show you
which one to anoint.”
So Samuel went to Bethlehem and invited
Jesse and his sons to join him in sacrificing to the
Lord. When they came, Samuel was immediately
impressed with Jesse’s oldest son. “Ah,” he
thought. “This is the one the Lord will choose.”
God said, “Samuel, don’t look at outward
appearance. It doesn’t matter how tall a man is
or how strong. I see things you can’t see. He’s
not the one.”
Jesse then introduced his second son to
Samuel. Again, he wasn’t the Lord’s choice.
Jesse introduced seven of his sons to the
prophet. As he met each of them, the Lord said,
“He’s not the one.”
Finally, Samuel said to Jesse, “Don’t you have
any other children?”
“Oh, well yes. I do have one more – my
youngest. He’s out watching the sheep.”
“Send for him. I’ll not eat with you until I see
As soon as David walked into the room,
Samuel could see that he was a striking young
man – healthy and handsome. The Lord said,
“This is the one. Get up and anoint him.” So
Samuel anointed him with oil. After that the Spirit
of God departed from King Saul and came upon
David in a mighty way.
From that day on, King Saul was tormented
with depression. His servants had an idea. They
said, “Allow us to find a man skilled at playing
the harp. Then his music will cheer you when you
become depressed.”
When Saul agreed, one of the servants said,
“I’ve heard of a young man who is very skilled at
the harp. He’s a son of Jesse from Bethlehem.
In addition to being good on the harp, he’s a
good fighter and has the ability to talk in front of
people. He’s also a man who walks with God.”
Saul sent for David and was immediately
impressed with him. David was made Saul’s
armor bearer, but he also played the harp every
time the king went into deep depression. The
sound of his harp soothed the king’s spirit and
brought him peace.

© God Child