

He's got you covered

You have no the right to be afraid

It is the natural thing to do

We all worry even when we don't really want to

But 'that he got you covered' is enough to bring a calm to your troubled heart.

He has you always on his mind

Yes, even those days when you cursed him for being far away

He said something in Exodus 14:14
"The lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain silent"

And this is a promise he has made and he's ready to keep

So no matter what you are going through always keep it in mind that he's ready to fight your battle

For you, and the only thing you have to do is to hold your peace.

Another version says that "the Lord will fight for you, and you only need to be silent"

The only thing that you need to do is to believe what he has said

Like a little child in the hands of his parents, learn to trust God

Learn to trust his word

If you can trust people around you for what you eat! you are not afraid that you can get poisoned

You are not afraid that the taxi driver is going to throw you into an accident or get you kidnapped

If you can trust ordinary human beings like this, how much more your heavenly father?

You have to trust your heavenly father much more

he knows what you are going through and he is ready to provide everything you need

So you!, keep it in mind that he has plans of good for you and not of evil to give you a hope and a future.
And always remember that he loves you even till the end of the age

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