

Title: “A Villager’s twenty-year fatal Mistake- The Explosive Nutcracker”.🤐
(First of all I want convey to you all is that this story below i have shared is a real fact.Which has really happened.)


In a small village in China, one man unknowingly used a hand grenade as a nutcracker for a quarter-century. The man, known as Mr. Ran, had no idea of the danger he was in until a government flyer caught his eye. He only discovered the grenade’s true identity when he noticed it on a government flyer identifying as prohibited explosives. He unknowingly realized his potentially fatal mistake very late. He surrendered the ‘nutcracker’ in 2016 after spotting it on a list of illegal explosives.

The Nutcracker stick Grenade:

The man, whose surname is Ran and who lives in Shaanxi province, claimed that a friend gave him that grenade in the early 1980s. He had been using it to crack open walnuts ever since. Little did he know that he was handling a Chinese Type 67 defensive hand grenade, a...