

A gentle word
My father told a story of how he was able to stop a man from cutting him in pieces with a cutlass. For the sake of his faith in Christianity, he had told the man’s wife to attend a Christian conference with her sick son. During the conference, the boy in question died. When the father who was not in the same faith with them heard what happened, he got his cutlass sharpened and ready for a bloody afternoon. My father relates in his own words how he was able to get the cutlass down
“As I walked into his living room and found him red hot with a cutlass, I called him by his name ‘Andrew!… Andrew!, Be calm. A tragedy has actually happened to you. It is very painful and it is to us all that this has happened. I am sorry this has happened but you have to take it easy, God knows why this has happened, be calm brave man. I know you can do the pitiable but for the sake your personality, put down the cutlass, put it down great man.”
And that is it; what do you suppose this man did? Your guess was right. Now I know that even my father at that odd time of the world knew the principles of human emotion management. In those words of his lie the very powerful ingredients of anger suppression.
He sympathized with this man – the heart of every man craves for sympathy, if possible, use sympathy anytime to get what you want. The man needed to be consoled and that he got.
He praised the man – this is another important ingredient of his speech. He called the man great names. He made the man understand that he knew his ability; A trait that can win you a lot of friends. When you praise people, sing their psalms and blow their horns, you are just turning them on. It can do the undone.
He apologized – believe me, this alone is weapon enough to tame a roaring lion. Accept that you have done wrong in any case and your punishment is meager
"Words are weapons but a gentle word is an arsenal"
copied from my soon to be released book.. 'Happiness Recipe'