

How many mistakes we make in our lives. And there are some mistakes in life that are not even in our imagination and are very instructive in life. We say that there should be no mistake in doing the work and there should be no mistake done and we should also make a saying. See that "man only deserves error". We know many mistakes and sometimes we have to be reprimanded in life due to some inadvertence and these mistakes, sometimes the same mistake gives a new direction to life. We also make sure that there is no mistake in our work. But the question is whether the reality What's wrong with this? Why does this mistake happen in our lives? And what happens if there is no mistake in our life? And what is the significance of error in our life? This is what I am going to say today.
Friends, the mistake that can easily get your claim denied is to fail. Which shows the flaws in our work. By removing the flaws we can make our work better. Just as the pain in life is the key to our happiness, the mistake in our work is the key to make our work better. The key is that we can learn a new way of life, new talent is born and a better way of life is found. We see that sometimes we say that I have made this big mistake, now I do such a thing. I will not do it one day and I will correct my mistake and come to the right path. And we make our life better by correcting such mistakes of our life.
If we don't make mistakes in our life then we can't know the flaws in our work and we can't make our work better because we don't know the flaws. Often it happens that one mistake made in the work gives a new idea. Is .with which we can make our work better than we thought .I believe that if we do not make mistakes in our work, the work will be good and everyone will like the work without mistakes .And sometimes even if we work hard Our work is not completed due to a small mistake and we get frustrated and saddened. But in reality a mistake does not make us frustrated or sad in life but it shows the flaws in our work which by removing we are in our work. We succeed.
Many times in our life we ​​make mistakes that are small but the consequences are very big. Sometimes it happens because of our small mistake that we regret a lot and it is time for us to correct that mistake. And the only thing we think about is how good things would have been and my work would have been better if we hadn't done this and sometimes even a small mistake can cause a person to die and sometimes the mistake that seems small to us The other person seems to be very big and we say that he could not correct even such a mistake. The other person also says that you think this mistake is small but this mistake is very big and is a big mistake.
Friends, a mistake made in our work does not make our work worse, but it suggests correcting the flaws in our work so that we can do that work successfully and we succeed in our work. The mistakes we make in life are some of the things in our life. Times become good experiences. An experience that improves our lives as well as the lives of others. And also gives good guidance to his life. Our life develops from the mistakes we make in our work. We get to know the flaws in our lives and we know which flaws we can correct to move forward in our lives and lead our lives to the right path. We can go. Mistakes do not come from anyone. Whether it is a small or a big man, a person or a thing, small and big mistakes happen and every mistake shows man the true meaning of life and gives him the true knowledge of life.
Sometimes we see that a person makes a mistake in any action and he is very sorry for that mistake and he will never make such a mistake in his life and if someone else makes a mistake then it will stop him from doing good to the other person. The spirit of work gives birth to the spirit of brotherhood in the life of man and this spirit gives birth to the good love of life. Which makes the life of man happy. Sometimes in life, it happens to a man that even if he makes a mistake in any work, but when it comes to admitting his mistake, he throws that mistake on the head of another. Due to which sometimes an innocent man is punished. But one thing you need to remember in life is that you can never correct your mistake by blaming yourself on any kind of innocent person. That person will be punished but if you don't correct the mistake, the mistake will never follow you. Leave and that mistake will give you the result you need and the result is that man does not even have the power to repent. So no one should blame himself for the mistake he made and correct the mistake in life by admitting the mistake. And move on in life.
It is said in life that where no one reaches, the poet reaches there. Experienced. This is very good in life and man moves forward in life based on the mistakes made in his work and the experiences gained from it. Man's mistake is to lead man in life. It shows the way to move forward in life. If a person moves forward in life by accepting the mistakes made in his life, then man improves the life of others along with himself. If a person wants to do his own business, then naturally someone will make a mistake in business and Going to a loss. But if a man does not lose against the loss and learns from the loss and moves forward in life, he can do good business and he needs a day in the future when he can make a good profit by learning from his mistakes and start his own business. Develops well.
Man's mistake makes man like TP TP like gold. If a man gets lost in a situation at some point in life, then man gets very frustrated and thinks that now I can't face this situation. But man if in that situation. Finding one's own faults and moving on in life becomes a victory in that situation. In life we ​​see that many people have such vices that they never believe in their own faults and they know themselves as a person who is endowed with all virtues. And if one day someone points out their mistake, they get angry and blame the other person and as a result they will never know the flaws in their life. And they are very sad from behind in life. And then they say that it would have been better if I had obeyed you .I would not have seen this day .And they realize their mistakes from behind.
One of the good things about Maharaja Chhatrapati Shivaji is that at one time Maharaj Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was very tired and very wounded after fighting a war. At that time he comes to dine at the house of an old man. At that time Ba says that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj also makes a mistake .So Shivaji Maharaj asks Ba what is the reason that you think Shivaji Maharaj makes a mistake .Ba then says that Shivaji Maharaj should first conquer small forts and increase his strength .His Instead Shivaji Maharaj goes to conquer a big fort which causes a lot of losses. And Shivaji Maharaj remembers this very much in his life and increases his strength by conquering small forts and kingdoms and as a result he easily conquered big forts. And the loss is also reduced.
Man has also been told one thing in life that if a person takes refuge in you or admits his mistake, he should forgive him and there is nothing in this world greater than forgiveness. And the one who makes a mistake needs to be taught the opposite. He will not make such a mistake again in the future. It often happens that in spite of repeatedly explaining and teaching man in life, he makes his own mistakes and we get angry with him. That he realizes the mistake he has made in the true sense. We need him to experience the mistake he has made so that he can realize the reality .And even so until man finds himself in a situation. That he cannot understand the pain of another person at any time until he experiences his own pain. And when he can understand the pain of another in life, then that person helps him in life by showing empathy in the pain of another.
One mistake of a human being inspires many others in life and shows many people the way to live life. In life man recognizes himself from his mistakes and with it he is able to face many difficulties in life .Many times in life. There are also things that make a man suffer a lot in life. Sometimes he can't even show his face in the society and he gets into a lot of trouble. In life, this is the thing that we demand to punish him. And the person is punished .It is very good to see that other people also hesitate to make that mistake and the punishment meted out to that person becomes an example for another person .But the punishment meted out to that person should be such that The punishment of that person becomes inspiring for him and for others. A good message goes in the society and his punishment becomes inspiring for the people and he gets a good Sikh in life and by moving forward in his life he also improves the life of other people. Good development happens and such things in the society remain inspiring for years.
The mistakes we make in life are like a teacher to us so that we can get a good education in life and move forward in life. But there should also be no way that we can go on a path to correct the mistakes we have made on that path. But there is no opportunity and our life ends there. We should not make any mistake in any work in life. Because a work full of mistakes does not succeed any day in life and our hard work and time is wasted and people are criticized. But we have to be one. We need to say that one should know and correct the mistakes inside us before removing the mistake of any person and it is also said that one should not throw stones at another's house when one's own house is not glass. It is also true that we must first correct our own mistakes and correct our own mistakes. We also correct the mistakes of others .But what happens is that we do not correct our mistakes and give advice to others. The other person also says the same thing, first tell yourself and then tell the other. And both our words and ours are disrespected. In such a situation, if we give good advice to others by correcting our previous mistakes, then both of us will respect our words and other people will also get inspiration and they will also move forward in life.
In life we ​​also need to do something before giving advice so that other people also think that if this mistake is not corrected then how much better life has become and now we should also correct our mistake so that our life becomes better and people It can be inspiring. When you correct your mistakes in life and do good deeds in life, other people will automatically correct their mistakes in life by seeing you and even if you don't tell them, they will come to you for advice and consider you as an ideal person in life. And your honor and respect will also increase and your words will have an impact in their lives. And your words will also show a good way in life by guiding many people in the form of advice and people's lives will also be truly happy.
So let us also know our shortcomings and move forward in life by correcting those shortcomings by not blaming our own mistakes on other people in life. And make other people's lives happy and do good deeds in life by making other people's lives happy. And by doing good deeds, give shade of happiness to the lives of many people in life from the sun of sorrow and by doing good deeds in life, we finally get salvation and divinity and make our birth meaningful in the true sense. Let us give them the right guidance to make their birth meaningful in the true sense and lead them to the path of salvation and divinity in life and that is the true welfare of life and that is the true path of life and that is the true nectar of life. And from it is the true gold of life and from it life is successful and from it life is truly successful. In life we ​​also need a person as an ideal person who creates the same radiance of the sun that removes every darkness from life. By giving the light of happiness and giving it to everyone He can fulfill his dreams with light and by fulfilling every dream, harmful elements like sorrow, despair, vice, greed, lust, love are destroyed in people's lives and good virtues are developed and by doing good deeds in his life with those virtues By taking life and the life of others towards Moksha and Divinity, let us truly and meaningfully achieve the purpose of our own life and the life of others by being freed from the cycle of birth and death.
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