

A shitty situation
Detective Jack Malone had seen it all during his 30 years on the force, from grisly homicides to high-stakes drug busts. But after retiring to a quiet life in the small town of Maplewood, he never imagined he would uncover a conspiracy that could change the fabric of everyday life. His mornings now consisted of lazy strolls to the local café, where he would enjoy a cup of black coffee and catch up on the town's happenings.

One crisp autumn morning, Jack noticed something peculiar. The café’s owner, Emma, seemed unusually frazzled. Her usually cheerful demeanor was replaced by a look of deep concern.

“Everything alright, Emma?” Jack asked, concern etched on his weathered face.

“It’s nothing, Jack. Just a strange delivery mix-up,” she replied, forcing a smile. “We didn’t get any toilet paper with our supplies this week. And I’ve heard other shops around town have the same issue.”

Jack frowned. A delivery mix-up wasn’t unusual, but a shortage affecting multiple businesses in a small town? That was odd. His detective instincts tingled.

That evening, as Jack walked home, he noticed that the grocery store’s shelves were unusually bare. The toilet paper aisle was completely empty. The store manager, Mr. Jensen, was on the phone, his voice tense.

“We’ve had no shipments for over a week now. This isn’t just a supply chain issue,” Jack overheard.

His curiosity piqued, Jack decided to dig deeper. He started by contacting old friends in the police force and supply chain industry. Each conversation led to more troubling news. It wasn’t just Maplewood; the toilet paper shortage was spreading across the state. Whispers of a deliberate disruption grew louder.

One night, Jack’s suspicions were confirmed when he received a call from an old informant, Danny, who had a knack for uncovering underground plots.

“Jack, you’re not gonna believe this,” Danny said, his voice barely a whisper. “There’s a group, calling themselves the Eco Warriors. They’re planning something big. They believe eliminating toilet paper will force people to switch to more sustainable options. They’ve infiltrated major supply chains.”

Jack felt a chill run down his spine. This wasn’t just a local issue; it was a coordinated attack on a fundamental aspect of daily life. The implications were enormous. Panic and chaos could ensue if people couldn’t access such a basic necessity.

Determined to stop this conspiracy, Jack began to piece together the puzzle. Late nights were spent poring over maps and supply chain documents, tracking down leads, and following suspicious individuals. His investigation led him to a nondescript warehouse on the outskirts of town.

Under the cover of darkness, Jack broke into the warehouse. Inside, he found stacks of confiscated toilet paper, along with crates of industrial-sized shredders and documents outlining plans to intercept more shipments. He photographed the evidence, knowing it was enough to alert the authorities.

However, as he prepared to leave, Jack heard footsteps approaching. He hid behind a stack of crates, heart pounding. Two men entered the warehouse, discussing their next move.

“We’ve got the major suppliers in our pocket. Soon, the whole country will be forced to change,” one man said.

Jack knew he had to act quickly. He managed to slip out unnoticed and raced to his car. He contacted his old captain, explaining the situation and providing the evidence. Within hours, a task force was mobilized.

In a coordinated raid, the police arrested the key members of the Eco Warriors. The warehouse was shut down, and the intercepted supplies were released back into the market. The conspiracy to end toilet paper was thwarted.

Back in Maplewood, the town returned to normalcy. The store shelves were restocked, and life resumed its peaceful rhythm. Jack, though, felt a renewed sense of purpose. Retirement, it seemed, would have to wait. There were still mysteries to solve and conspiracies to unravel.

As he sipped his coffee at the café, Emma approached him with a grateful smile. “Thanks, Jack. You saved us all.”

Jack nodded, a glimmer of the old detective spark in his eyes. “Just doing what I do best, Emma. Just doing what I do best.”

© AlmaDada