

cold breath
John had worked at the morgue for over a decade. He had seen it all, or so he thought. But strange things started happening in the morgue. One night, he heard footsteps in the hallway, but when he went to investigate, there was no one there. Another night, the bodies on the tables seemed to move on their own.

John tried to ignore these strange occurrences, but they became more frequent and terrifying. One night, as he was closing up the morgue, he heard a voice whisper his name. He turned around, but no one was there. Suddenly, he felt a cold breath on the back of his neck, and he knew he was not alone.

He tried to run, but the doors were locked. The lights flickered, and he heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer. Suddenly, he was surrounded by the bodies on the tables, and their cold, lifeless hands reached out for him.

John screamed for help, but no one heard him. The next morning, the morgue workers found him dead on one of the tables. His body was covered in bruises, and his face was frozen in a look of terror.

The cause of death was never determined, but the workers at the morgue all knew the truth. John had met his untimely demise at the hands of the vengeful spirits of the dead. From that day on, no one dared to work alone in the morgue, and the strange occurrences only continued, haunting the living in the realm of the dead.
© c.wright

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