

The monster had escaped...

The howl that rang out the silent night was heard across the slumbering streets.
The hair rose at the back of their heads.
The monster had escaped...

The howl that rang out, a chilling cry,
Through slumbering streets, it pierced the sky.
Hair stood on end, a shiver ran deep,
The monster escaped, from shadows it'd creep.

In moonlight's embrace, it prowled unseen,
A creature of darkness, a fearsome machine.
Its eyes gleamed with hunger, its heart full of dread,
A tale of terror, the town's hearts filled with dread.

Footsteps were hushed, whispers of fear,
The night held its breath, the danger was near.
But brave souls emerged, hearts filled with might,
To face down the monster, to stand up and fight.

With courage unyielding, they formed a brave band,
United against evil, they took a bold stand.
The clash was fierce, a struggle intense,
But heroes emerged from the darkness, immense.

They banished the beast, brought dawn's welcome light,
The town was set free from the grip of the night.
A saga of valor, a story retold,
Of the howl in the night, and the heroes bold.
© Sanjay222