

A Dad And A Son
The mirror loomed over them as they traversed the hallways of the abandoned mansion. It was rumoured that no one came out alive from it...and than a boy who who was hiding behind the mansion saw the death body of his dad. He could scream but the enemy would hear him and could kill him in no time. He than went near to his dad as a reptile so that nobody notice. He found his dad was still breathing with those bullets on his chest.
Dad, he said.
I knew son, you would made up to here.My time is over and now it's you.
Take this gun and shoot those son of a whore who ruined our family.

I couldn't cry. I know my dad will be gone, soon, same as my mom did.
Catching the gun, hands shaking.

I will kill you.

It's the boy of age 12, what is he doing Here?
a man from behind shouted.
He was from the enemy side.

I could shoot him, but I am shaking......
the guns....aughhh!!!
I pointed the gun to him

shoot this kid, he is imposter...

The bullet from back directly went through my chest.
I was crawling to my dad.

I want to die with him.
Dad, don't cry...
we are in a same pain.

Catch my hand.
He once promised, he will be forever with me till I die.
He Kept It.

© ©Sagar Parajuli 2020 ®CO.LTF