

Invisible me
What would happen if you become invisible for one day? Write a poem imagining what you would do with such superpower.

My shadow overflow in the wide open,
Like a ghost in Lakeland split image slogan,
It's only I can see what I want to see is a token,

The outcast on the streets find somewhere they could fit,
The crowd surpasses by a homeless walking bare feet,
The richer walks tall and the poorer fleet,

I outran a thief robbing banks in a scene,
The dealers selling white crystal and greens,
The creepiest force a stripper to get on her knees,

The cheaters lust in awful lot of pimp,
The blind, the mute, and gribble limp,
Corruption breaking law with a big tip,

There goes a view of everyday life misery,
But invisible that you cannot see me watching merely,
Fondly observe how humid and disgust such utterly,

I visit my hometown just to see people turn into cream
My father was nothing more than a lying beast,
Having affairs as my mother trip and seen,

Even the Pastor preaches powerful teaching,
Then change into a clown seduced just for pleasing,
The innocent tender for justice to be winning,

A newborn first vision in becoming a human being,
A murderer on fleet with a lost soul last seeing,
One life too many, rivals as time being,

But only I can see through the world's melody,
Scattered across the streets of how I see the future predict,
That you will never know the next five minute will be it,

However invisible me, make believe in changing red to green,
In changing the whole ugly scenery,
And be a hero invisible me in history,

A distance can be seen and warn the wind to blow in the east,
That when in darkness, light can be on in the midst,
And love can conquer all your wish,

If only you can see me in flesh next to your peak,
You wouldn't be a dirty filmy thief, a preacher on a paying gig,
The richer be on the poorer on bare feet,

The outcast, I was one of thee,
A hug is all that they ever need,
Love them regardless of what, and then you'll see,

That this life is nothing but a sailing ship,
Without a compass it would be lost in cloudy tip,
Chances are it could be at hit, and it will sink,

But sailing in life with hope, love and peace,
Is the fuel to fill our engine in full speed to the least,
And sail a thousand miles in life until the end of times,

The invisible me,
Only I can see,
Journey you and me
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