

Did you know- part1

→An oyster takes
7 year to make a pearl

Reason : it waits for
The ehsaan of
Goddess muskaan
That is priceless

→humming birds
Can fly backwards

Reason :
They love to see
The rear ultra Beauty
Of musu Queen
that's just mind-blowing

→Sloth live mainly
On trees ..They rarely
Come down on ground

Reason :
From top of tree
They can see the
Super top view of
Toppori musu

→Flamingoes are
Not pink ..but they
Grew like cute pink bird

Reason :
They eat food in summer
Holiday ..from pink beauty

→cheetah running
Speed is 136 km/hr

Musu is cooking
Aroma nummy biriyani
(In fact even new babies
Can run fast..even elderly
women can do that )

→Alpine Swift bird
Is airborne for 6months

Reason :
They pray from sky
To God to see musu

→Koala bears and
Humans have similar
Finger prints

Muskaan finger prints
Match with angels

Moral :
Musu is an angel


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