

The chip of New York
I am still afraid but I do not care. I've got the chip of New York in my head, will hang tight to it.

In here I can get anything I want, even if now I don't know how, will solve this puzzle out.

This concrete jungle, the Big Apple, is only made for lions, warriors. Only lions can avoid being eaten by snakes and be the ones who get the chance to survive, to be alive, to eat first.

New York is here, life goes so fast it is not fair,  in this city there is no time to waste. Just time to find out who you are now, who you were. 

Keep digging inside to figure out how to be the one you dream, the one you want, a better version of yourself.

Play your cards, this is the game of life, jump,  laugh, cry. The big apple will knock you down once, several times, you get up twice, you get up all the times, you fight.

Sometimes life is hard, just laugh, love, survive. You are still here,  still alive to fight with all the strength of your heart.

Seize your time, your hours wont' be back. Now you have to hold tight, hard times have arrived.

The Big Apple is here, looking for innocent souls to kill, souls to block, souls to steal. You will be chased but you will win this race.

Start now, do not wait, eat this apple, drink its juice piece by piece. Find your flavor, find your mood. Rotten pieces you will eat, find you taste until you don't have to throw the next piece away .

You've been poisoned, be aware. Your soul may have gone away, left your body. Do not be scared, do not lose your head, think straight. Breath fresh air,  you will find your way.

Talk to the wind,  dance with the golden leaves that are still here. Cry if you need, tears won't break you away, they will break the poison inside your brain.

You feel lost, it is okay. It is the poison that is coming on your way, trying to kill you from inside, trying to knock you down, to steal your soul again.

Spit it out, it is not you, it is that black smoke, the black fog that is blurring your eyes once again. It is there! The shadow you don't belong.

Sometimes it is not New York, you hate this world. It is the black poison that is still in your soul, in your eyes, inside your lungs.

Cry away until it's gone, let it out. If you need to, cry some more. Get rid of the black fog, don't let it win. You can win this battle, fight along even harder than the way before.

It is blurry, it is cold, I know, you still cannot see  the blue sky of New York.  The black fog is still here, blocking you all, don't stay there, keep away! just run.

Sunset is here, stick to it, let it be, let the black fog to go with the shadows and the sun. Beg the wind to let them go. 

Stop, believe, at the end you are still alive, you will have more time to kill all the poison you still have inside.

New York you are in me, I have that lion chip, more rotten apples will be here waiting for me to eat. I just have to stop, to make a choice, piece by piece....

Eating, choking, crying, fighting, running...Just believing in this New York story.

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