

Forgotten Town by Turay Ishmael Abdul k
In a forgotten town, where time stands still, Once-thriving streets in chill. The houses creak, the windows shatter, As nature claims the land, with wild, untamed matter.
The streets are empty, save for leaves that fall, And the wind that howls, as if it could recall The laughter and the joy that once resided, In this forgotten town, where memories have died.
The buildings crumble, the roofs have caved, As if the town itself had been enslaved beauty that once adorned the place, Now lies in ruin, with a melancholy face.
But amidst the decay, a glimmer shines, A hope that one day, the town will re-align. For though it may be forgotten, left to decay, In the hearts of those who once called it home, it’ll always stay.
So let us remember this forgotten town, And the memories that made it renowned. For though it may be lost, it’ll never be forgotten, For in our hearts, its legacy will be caught.
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