

Suicide is not the answer
In life, we have to make choices. We have to make choices on what we eat, what we wear and eventually, we have to make a choice on what we want to do with our life. In adolescence, we have our ups and downs. Hormones go crazy and our emotions are like a roller coaster. The need to fit in always takes a toll in our lives. There are times we have to face problems and tough decisions and times we get really sad and emotional. But sometimes, those problems and tough decisions are also too much to handle and these sad emotions last longer than a few weeks. Some teens don't tell anyone about these emotions or any of these problems. They are scared people are going to judge them and that there is no way out. Sadly, many teens find that suicide is the only way out.Suicide is a way to end your life but it is not a solution. Suicide affects the victim's family and the people around them.

The best way to deal with problems is to tell someone you trust, be around positive and caring people and even ask someone who dealt with the problem advice. There are people who cares deeply about you and they are willing to help.
So suicide is not the answer, dont do it!
© tinkabell45400