


every individual is different when they are alone but they change accordingly when they are in group it's good when it comes to working, but remember return back when it's over because it shows our true colours, not how good we are with them

May be it's my perception on how I look on to others, I have always felt they change the behaviour for that one person in the group or be with them even if you are not interested, it's ok to be in such a way at times but why do you have to change your character for that group alone, it's that idea that makes me sick because when not with them they become different.

even worse is that they change their tune of thinking, living and of course their behaviour for that one person in the group.
have you guys felt in that way.
what do you name yourself if you don't value your character or your personality. Remember everyone notices each and every line of you .

Always remember the people for whom we change for, they won't be there at time of hurdles, if they are with you well and good.
But remember nobody is born to rely on anyone it's just that we believe without them we can't go forward.
Hope we all can change ourselves because that's when the world changes.
Never sell your character and personality because that shows how feeble you are?

© Michelle maria