

When I met my Uncle after a year
When I met my Uncle after a year
He was very happy to see me , I also
Felt so happy to see him after a year
First of all, with a very sweet smile he Asked me, my child
where were you for so many days ?
I said I was at home I couldn't come to your place due to some reasons,
That's why I couldn't met you,

Then my Uncle told me to have a sit
And then asked about my well being
I remained silent and smiled
My uncle understood from my expression how I'm,
Then I asked him about his well being
He said I'm fine
I replied Alhamdulillah
He asked me tell me what problem you have I will help you, I can see that your health is also much down than before and I can also see that you are very upset
My child I can feel your fake and real smile

My uncle is very understanding he understand me very well

Then I briefly said him something he understood the whole matter,
Then he explained to me that look,
we have to fight for our rights and when we don't get our rights,
We have to snatch them away
And remember I'm with you

He also told me that I know we don't
Dare to raise our voice on our close relationships bcoz emotions are involved, But if you don't raise your voice then you will only live a life of
And this will only keep you Depression and it won't make any differences to anyone
Patience is important but along with it Efforts is also important

Then suddenly my parents come to
Uncle's shops and I have to leave there
Then I said to my uncle that I have to Go now see you soon Inshaallah

I would like to say this to all of you My Uncle is not RICH in MONEY, But

I also pay Attention to it myself
BE RICH, not with
MONEY, But with

My Uncle is a very kind person
He helps every needed person

All my Dear Writers and Readers I would like to tell you that
Many times Our blood relations don't understands us and ignore our sufferings and happiness
They don't even care what condition we are in,
They don't even think about us

I have no Blood relation with my Uncle, but whenever I met and talk to him
I feel familiarity,
He understand me a lot and always want to help and support me without any fear.

Only Blood Relations are not at the Top,

Bigger than Every Relation is the Relation of Care and Understanding.

© Shama writes

#writcostory #story #writco #writcoapp #care #understanding #relationships #afterayear #myuncle