

my bad unforgettable experience
Tell us about an unforgettable experience that left you sadder but wiser . it was truly an unforgettable day there was art gallery show in Badagry as an art student I really love art so I decided to go my mum gave me her ATM card and ask to withdraw an amount of 100,000 she told me to withdraw it after the art gallery so on my way I thought If I withdraw the money after the gallery show I have to leave early but I don't want to miss the show so I decided to withdraw the money on my way to Badagry so I put the money in a nylon bag So I got to the Ary exhibit it was crowded I had a lot of fun so after the gallery show I figured out the money as been stolen from me I cried bitterly there was money to go back home so I was subjected to begging no one borrowed me thinking why Will a grown man like me beg so a man a good Samaritan borrowed me 5,000 when I got home I figured out the money was for my new phone for my bitterly so it was indeed a bad unforgettable experience