

How the Internet made me a shit guy
Okay, who else here gets into a mood everytime net connection isn't available, even when it's down for a mere 5 minutes ?
I don't just feel jittery, I feel restless. But that's not the worst , the worst part is how I begin to neglect everything else when I finally am online. I've started shaking my leg involuntarily, uncontrollably. Almost as if I have Parkinsons. The internet and my subsequent desire to extract the most from it is the sole cause of my erratic sleep cycles.
And I can't help but imagine.
Imagine the plight of children today, who even after pulling up the covers for the night, won't hesitate twice to delay sleep just because they heard one ding for a notification from their phone. How they sit in a room with no physical company and are yet expected to traverse through linear algebra, covalent bonding and whatnot. I only made it through that stuff when there were students sitting around me, the fact that others were also going through the tribulations that I was gave me some sort of security. The internet may be the ammunition that forever wrecks the state of bliss of the human mind . But it is the smartphone that is the gun.
I feel remorse that I shall never again know the blissful sleep I used to get as a child for many a years ahead. (Due to my hectic job.)
But I feel even more remorse that neither the children of today will feel that bliss, either.
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