

dark angel
she use to have light in her eyes
she use to be so innocent
she use to praise the lord
you took that all away from her
you took her pride away
now all she does is cry
they say the scars will heal in time
they say you will get over the pain
but here is what you should ask yourself... was it worth seeing your own daughter bleed and scream in pain was it worth going to prison for 11 years. the sad part is I don't hate you I don't let it get to me. yes I cry yes I have flashbacks and yes I hope karma bites u in the ass. yes I have to take a lot of pills now because of what you did I can't love someone like I'm suppose to I run and push them all away so thank you for making my life even more hell then what it was. thank you for taking my sex life away. because of you I will live forever alone in a dark place I now call home.
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